Just a random fact here-I noticed that a lot of asian women (mostly mothers) draw in their eyebrows. And I SWEAR they either :
a)wax/shave/pluck about all of their eyebrows OR
b) they're naturally falling out due to old age.
I want to achieve nice eyebrows before then. Before I have to draw in a concave down curve on either side of my forehead and hope to my Lord that they're symmetrical.
I'll admit it- I really want raised eyebrows. No I don't mean the 'looking-surprised' expression, I want natural eyebrows that go up and come down (cos y'all know what goes up must come down). I want the peak of the brow to be off centre, towards the outer part of my face- I think it just makes your face that extra bit intense. And I want them to be brown. I know the saying-brows should always be darker than your hair. I disagree, I'm going for lighter brows and jet black hair. And a really white face. Two thirds of that is already done. Oh and I almost forgot- my face is rather..soft I think-if you know what I mean. It's not edgy enough. The eyebrows will do the trick I'm sure of that. Just another thing I'll need to become a superhero.
LOLOL I'm sitting here listening to a slow number and my spiderman figurine in the corner is nodding it's head to the beat of the tune. I am inspired by superheroes.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
I'm on the quest to becoming a superhero, as many of you will know. And BTW this is all quite fictional but I'd like to think some of these fast thinking skills will be acquired soon enough..though my methods are quite unrealistic. I NEED SUPERPOWERS!
Okay let me start : there were hooligans outside my humble abode 'gettin slizzard' and playing with a basketball and shootin on someone else's hoop and I swore they were coming up my driveway. Hang on. I have no bball hoop there. OMG I bet they're gonna ring my door bell and break into my house when my rent's (OR MYSELF) dont answer. So I'm in my dad's study. There are things you know that are of quite a use in such an environment. For example-the ALMOST empty bottle of whisky, which I shall say is very useful. So I'll drink that last sip of whisky (because I have to ^^, literally savour the moment for a moment or two (NO YOU DONT HAVE TIME LJ) and..you know what I'll do with it.
There are other things-the stapler, which may I say, is within hands reach. (OKAY YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS THIS TIME). BAZINGA! You think Ima put a staple in his head! YOU'RE WRONG! I'm gonna get a piece of scrap paper and staple his head! That way he has to rip the paper out to rip the staple out and be able to see properly again. Of course you need to gather your weaponry and even prepare a little. So I have this random hook in the wall at the entrance to the room (cos it's closest to the front door). I get the thinnest piece of string, quickly tie it (securely) and wait on the other side. They come in (PULL!!) and either WHAM onto the floor or get distracted -either way it's pretty effective. At this point you may want to be ready with a few punches or use of weapons. If you have time, do some prep before this-pull the table (OR TABLE CORNER) near the entrance and estimate where theyll fall. If you want the WHAM to be head on floor WHY NOT go for WHAM on the table? Concussion is key here guys.
But there are things to protect-know them first before you put any of this into action. Like precious furniture-good luck to that- and if you're like my dad, bottles of whisky and wine. Like how Jacky Chan does it in rush hour-with those 'priceless pieces of art', he fends about 5 bad dudes and still manages to save them. Oh and I don't mean drink all of the bottles either. As they say in glee , dont " blame it on the alcohol" Sorry-this may have been a bit violent for the feint minded but who comes first? You or those hooligans? And that is how (I NEED TO FIND A SUPERHERO NAME) Saves the day! Till Next Time Folks!
Okay let me start : there were hooligans outside my humble abode 'gettin slizzard' and playing with a basketball and shootin on someone else's hoop and I swore they were coming up my driveway. Hang on. I have no bball hoop there. OMG I bet they're gonna ring my door bell and break into my house when my rent's (OR MYSELF) dont answer. So I'm in my dad's study. There are things you know that are of quite a use in such an environment. For example-the ALMOST empty bottle of whisky, which I shall say is very useful. So I'll drink that last sip of whisky (because I have to ^^, literally savour the moment for a moment or two (NO YOU DONT HAVE TIME LJ) and..you know what I'll do with it.
There are other things-the stapler, which may I say, is within hands reach. (OKAY YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS THIS TIME). BAZINGA! You think Ima put a staple in his head! YOU'RE WRONG! I'm gonna get a piece of scrap paper and staple his head! That way he has to rip the paper out to rip the staple out and be able to see properly again. Of course you need to gather your weaponry and even prepare a little. So I have this random hook in the wall at the entrance to the room (cos it's closest to the front door). I get the thinnest piece of string, quickly tie it (securely) and wait on the other side. They come in (PULL!!) and either WHAM onto the floor or get distracted -either way it's pretty effective. At this point you may want to be ready with a few punches or use of weapons. If you have time, do some prep before this-pull the table (OR TABLE CORNER) near the entrance and estimate where theyll fall. If you want the WHAM to be head on floor WHY NOT go for WHAM on the table? Concussion is key here guys.
But there are things to protect-know them first before you put any of this into action. Like precious furniture-good luck to that- and if you're like my dad, bottles of whisky and wine. Like how Jacky Chan does it in rush hour-with those 'priceless pieces of art', he fends about 5 bad dudes and still manages to save them. Oh and I don't mean drink all of the bottles either. As they say in glee , dont " blame it on the alcohol" Sorry-this may have been a bit violent for the feint minded but who comes first? You or those hooligans? And that is how (I NEED TO FIND A SUPERHERO NAME) Saves the day! Till Next Time Folks!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
It's Not Over Yet
40 million views - Im Yours , Jason Mraz Cover- :)
Blogpost Form Yesterday:
Today, over 100 people from baulko, normo, girra, hornsbygirls, nsg and of course RUSE gathered in Belmore Park with the aim of raising awareness and money for the victims of the Japanese disasters!
We had buskers, crane-makers, sellers, people asking for donations and everything - CranesForHope was EVERYWHERE in the city. A lot of the people we'd asked replied' 'I've already donated!''. And some people would say ''Sorry no change'' (we'd walk away) then theyd find some and come SPRINTING after us! The people of Sydney are so nice O:Went shops after in Parra with Joy and Lea, and bought presents and stuff :)
Its wednesday . .. and my english essay is non-existent D:
Well, crap.
Ooooh, just finished AVPM Sequel - for those who know what I'm talking about - SO. FREAKING. COOL:)
Your history's nothing more than what the loser's settle for.
40 million views - Im Yours , Jason Mraz Cover- :)
Blogpost Form Yesterday:
Today, over 100 people from baulko, normo, girra, hornsbygirls, nsg and of course RUSE gathered in Belmore Park with the aim of raising awareness and money for the victims of the Japanese disasters!
We had buskers, crane-makers, sellers, people asking for donations and everything - CranesForHope was EVERYWHERE in the city. A lot of the people we'd asked replied' 'I've already donated!''. And some people would say ''Sorry no change'' (we'd walk away) then theyd find some and come SPRINTING after us! The people of Sydney are so nice O:Went shops after in Parra with Joy and Lea, and bought presents and stuff :)
Its wednesday . .. and my english essay is non-existent D:
Well, crap.
Ooooh, just finished AVPM Sequel - for those who know what I'm talking about - SO. FREAKING. COOL:)
Your history's nothing more than what the loser's settle for.
You don't hit the hammer on the nail like that
Today I randomly sauntered over to my mum's sink at work and found the most funky bar of soap ever. If you're wondering IT'S A KIWI!!!! ASLKFDSNOIDNOF!!! And it sure does smell like kiwi! How funkadeli is that? I'll post a pic of it later :D
Oh and another thing from the UNSW day last saturday. This guy was demonstrating the effect of liquid nitrogen which has the power to freeze your hand in seconds it will fall off -sorry I know that was graphic. Anywhoo you get the effect. So this guy says 'If I take a banana and freeze it, do you think it'd be strong enough to hit a nail through this board?' Wait. You said banana. B.A.N.A.N.A. So he takes out this massive banana, perfectly ripe, yellow as mellow and dunks it relentlessly into the -200 degree celsius liquid nitrogen. Could the banana's death be less barbaric? These babies are quote "22 dollars a kilo" and so are "the best bananas". YOU COULDN'T GET A CHEAPER BANANA? AND OVERRIPE ONE WHICH IS ALREADY EFFECTIVELY BEYOND EDIBLE? OR EVEN JUST TAKEN ANOTHER PIECE OF FRUIT LESS KINGLY THAN THE ALMIGHTY BANANA? TAKE A LEMON! An overripe soft squishy lemon which is also yellow (if that's what you wanted) which is also squishy which would also therefore prove the strength of LIQUID NITROGEN! You know what you just reminded me of? You reminded me of those rich people who for example take all the water available in a country just so that you could wash your house when there's a billion thirsty men and hundreds of kids dying each day because they have no water. And BTW THERES THIS THING, IT'S CALLED RAIN. Okay, an unlikely example but, there, you get my point.
Then the guy proceeds to use the banana as a hammer ( WHICH IS REALLY DOWNGRADING) -this is callled bananabuse- before it SMASHES INTO HALF. So yes it did hammer the nail BUT THE RESULT WAS AN INEDIBLE BANANA SPLIT! THAT'S SIMPLY BANANAS!
Oh and another thing from the UNSW day last saturday. This guy was demonstrating the effect of liquid nitrogen which has the power to freeze your hand in seconds it will fall off -sorry I know that was graphic. Anywhoo you get the effect. So this guy says 'If I take a banana and freeze it, do you think it'd be strong enough to hit a nail through this board?' Wait. You said banana. B.A.N.A.N.A. So he takes out this massive banana, perfectly ripe, yellow as mellow and dunks it relentlessly into the -200 degree celsius liquid nitrogen. Could the banana's death be less barbaric? These babies are quote "22 dollars a kilo" and so are "the best bananas". YOU COULDN'T GET A CHEAPER BANANA? AND OVERRIPE ONE WHICH IS ALREADY EFFECTIVELY BEYOND EDIBLE? OR EVEN JUST TAKEN ANOTHER PIECE OF FRUIT LESS KINGLY THAN THE ALMIGHTY BANANA? TAKE A LEMON! An overripe soft squishy lemon which is also yellow (if that's what you wanted) which is also squishy which would also therefore prove the strength of LIQUID NITROGEN! You know what you just reminded me of? You reminded me of those rich people who for example take all the water available in a country just so that you could wash your house when there's a billion thirsty men and hundreds of kids dying each day because they have no water. And BTW THERES THIS THING, IT'S CALLED RAIN. Okay, an unlikely example but, there, you get my point.
Then the guy proceeds to use the banana as a hammer ( WHICH IS REALLY DOWNGRADING) -this is callled bananabuse- before it SMASHES INTO HALF. So yes it did hammer the nail BUT THE RESULT WAS AN INEDIBLE BANANA SPLIT! THAT'S SIMPLY BANANAS!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Armed and Fabulous
I hate saying stupid things because I feel stupid after that. Yeah that was obvious now wasn't it? I was at Burwood today buying a boost and was hanging around the side of the store (where you collect your drinks) and one of the girls asked what I needed. You know what I said? I said 'I'm waiting for my drink'. 'YEAH WELL OF COURSE YOU ARE LJ' replied the more conscious brain of mine. And I said it in such a stoner way, that it probably came off as 'DERR' but I really didn't want it to sound like that. I had a little moment there-one I assure you was never intentional. I NEVER HAVE STUPID MOMENTS D: I started to wonder if her question was the one that was stupid, but in retrospect, mine was probably the more stupid answer. Wait..was it?
I watched Suckerpunch today and loved it! All those peeps who want some superhero cross beautiful girls action should definitely see it. The movie revived my dream of becoming a superhero and now, I have a billion desires to be a master of the martial arts. Somebody, give me a sword and platinum blonde hair :D oh and a gun too, please. Now with my weapons, I shall destroy all forms of evil in the world, no matter what they throw at me. Flames? Please, it's the least of my problems-I'll rebound them with my sword. Machine guns that fire in a straight line? I'll run in a circle around you, until those bullets have shot through the four posts holding the very roof of the chamber and collapse in on you. Swords? You'll have hit the ground trying to stab my head, until the very blade has bent blunt. And when you look me in the eye when I'm captured, just know that I'll stare right back at you. You have nowhere near won this battle...
That is the person I want to be. At the moment, I'm nowhere near, for I'm still afraid of walking downstairs to get things-particularly in the car, because garages are scary. I have a long way to go don't I?BUT THE JOURNEY HAS JUST BEGUN. I WILL BECOME A SUPERHERO. AND MARRY BATMAN.WATCH ME. And by the end of it, when I'm more than just a black belt I'll be able to say (with credibility too)
I watched Suckerpunch today and loved it! All those peeps who want some superhero cross beautiful girls action should definitely see it. The movie revived my dream of becoming a superhero and now, I have a billion desires to be a master of the martial arts. Somebody, give me a sword and platinum blonde hair :D oh and a gun too, please. Now with my weapons, I shall destroy all forms of evil in the world, no matter what they throw at me. Flames? Please, it's the least of my problems-I'll rebound them with my sword. Machine guns that fire in a straight line? I'll run in a circle around you, until those bullets have shot through the four posts holding the very roof of the chamber and collapse in on you. Swords? You'll have hit the ground trying to stab my head, until the very blade has bent blunt. And when you look me in the eye when I'm captured, just know that I'll stare right back at you. You have nowhere near won this battle...
That is the person I want to be. At the moment, I'm nowhere near, for I'm still afraid of walking downstairs to get things-particularly in the car, because garages are scary. I have a long way to go don't I?BUT THE JOURNEY HAS JUST BEGUN. I WILL BECOME A SUPERHERO. AND MARRY BATMAN.WATCH ME. And by the end of it, when I'm more than just a black belt I'll be able to say (with credibility too)
Sunday, April 17, 2011
we'll walk this road together
Advertising the most amazing campaign ever - > Cranes For Hope!
On tuesday about 45-50 (SO FAR) students from all over will be in the city - folding, busking and raising awareness about the people in Japan -->http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=191377497572540 follow the link to RSVP and join them! Prefects continually to amaze me I swear, and SRC especially are crazy-good :) .
Intuition was surprisingly WAY WAY better than ever expected! Tbh had really low expectations but it was good, and you learn stuff, and it was fun too (: And they're super-organised and effcient and everything!
legendary :)
I support gay marriage.
Let the second week of the hols commence,
On tuesday about 45-50 (SO FAR) students from all over will be in the city - folding, busking and raising awareness about the people in Japan -->http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=191377497572540 follow the link to RSVP and join them! Prefects continually to amaze me I swear, and SRC especially are crazy-good :) .
Intuition was surprisingly WAY WAY better than ever expected! Tbh had really low expectations but it was good, and you learn stuff, and it was fun too (: And they're super-organised and effcient and everything!
LOL only in sydney :)
GREECElegendary :)
I support gay marriage.
beneath the starry sky she prays, for the hope of a brand new day
amidst her broken dreams she lies, the tears falling as she cries
* * * * * * * * * * * *
happily ever after, now all a disaster
save her, save her, there's noone there to save her.
I can't believe this beautiful girl committed suicide, because of hurtful words. This was a week ago. Watch what you say, please. The fact that words can have this big an effect on someone really scares me.
Three days after making this video, Jade committed suicide. This was a week from today. She was beautiful, and her smile is amazing. Her message is something simple. Please, treat others the way you’d like to be treated. Cruel words wound on the inside, so whilst it make look like it has no effect, trust me they do.
Let the second week of the hols commence,
love you all, ♥
Saturday, April 16, 2011
I've got the rains on this
Ooft I had a wonderful day! Went to UNSW with Lisa, Crystal, Snowine, Hasmeera and Prema for some science thing and I must say the food there is like none other :) We also met a few familiar faces HAW HAW ^^ It was quite funny when they asked us to draw a graph and calculate the gradient- there was this girl who needed a pad and she came over and was like 'do any of you have a pad?' and I thought she said 'pattern' so I turned around and said loudly 'OH I haven't finished graphing yet!' O_O She gave me a 'whuut?' face and walked away LOL SORRY so I called her back and offered one..I mean, it was the least I could do right? Also there was this guy talking to us and Lisa was so bored and started studying the letters of the guy's name. AND SHE REALISED THAT HIS FIRST AND LAST NAMES WERE ANAGRAMS OMGOMGOMG ! They were ALMOST palindromes too! I was SO shocked that I knocked my table and my pen flew off it haha.
I'm loving the weather right now and want a pair of yellow or floral patterened Dr Martens so I can go play in the rain and splash in puddles. Shame those things are over $200. I realise that I really don't like using umbrellas and prefer to just step out and dance in the rain. Alright, by the end of the holidays, I'll have bought: a satchel, silky harem pants, leopard print scarf, leggings, pink lipstick and musical clothing. OH gosh I think I may need an extra zero to my savings =S As I was walking outside of UNSW I saw the racecourse and my dream is, one day, I'll have gone to the races and look like one of those girls with flowers growing ontop of their heads.
You know how sometimes you do things and you must do it a certain way or else it feels like it's not the "true you" that's doing it? It goes for me when I text. I need to type every single letter of each word or else I feel like someone's typing for me. Yeah, I know it's a bit strange but I have a phobia for the T9 function- I just don't like it. And I know you can turn it off but touch screen and pressing numbers several times for different letters really test my patience. Also, I must do a quick spellcheck to make sure everything is spelt correctly before sending. See this is how much effort I put into each text 8D I just would not feel complete otherwise. Now, I want the nokia n950 for my next phone ;) Going on my santa wishlist hehe
I'm loving the weather right now and want a pair of yellow or floral patterened Dr Martens so I can go play in the rain and splash in puddles. Shame those things are over $200. I realise that I really don't like using umbrellas and prefer to just step out and dance in the rain. Alright, by the end of the holidays, I'll have bought: a satchel, silky harem pants, leopard print scarf, leggings, pink lipstick and musical clothing. OH gosh I think I may need an extra zero to my savings =S As I was walking outside of UNSW I saw the racecourse and my dream is, one day, I'll have gone to the races and look like one of those girls with flowers growing ontop of their heads.
You know how sometimes you do things and you must do it a certain way or else it feels like it's not the "true you" that's doing it? It goes for me when I text. I need to type every single letter of each word or else I feel like someone's typing for me. Yeah, I know it's a bit strange but I have a phobia for the T9 function- I just don't like it. And I know you can turn it off but touch screen and pressing numbers several times for different letters really test my patience. Also, I must do a quick spellcheck to make sure everything is spelt correctly before sending. See this is how much effort I put into each text 8D I just would not feel complete otherwise. Now, I want the nokia n950 for my next phone ;) Going on my santa wishlist hehe
![]() |
Friday, April 15, 2011
stuck in the inbetween, a beautiful disaster
Happy New Year - for yesterday, for those who understand why I'm sayin it (:
I just found out that the folders of work Intuition gave me are actually DUE. Which is kind of freaky - they gave me two whole folders full of notes, I think I'm signed up to the sunday ''Ruse'' class now? Though its a bit annoying that the work they're doing now isnt relevant to the half yearlies :/ Hopefully first lesson is cool :)
NB: Just found out they had a test today from LJ - whaat D: Omg how series IS intuition anyways - it sounds like a second school! D:
Working sucks - and I only work in the hols. Hate to think of poor people working week after week - albeit they do get paid. But - bleurghhh :L
How would you walk in these ? Theyre so crazy - love itt 8D
^stolen of royce's blog. Its very true.
III'm going to redirect everyone to crystals blog post, ( visit the link on her page to manda's post as well) - because they were enlightening and fun to read (:
So I'm gonna buy a gun and start a war, if you can tell me something worth fighting for.
I just found out that the folders of work Intuition gave me are actually DUE. Which is kind of freaky - they gave me two whole folders full of notes, I think I'm signed up to the sunday ''Ruse'' class now? Though its a bit annoying that the work they're doing now isnt relevant to the half yearlies :/ Hopefully first lesson is cool :)
NB: Just found out they had a test today from LJ - whaat D: Omg how series IS intuition anyways - it sounds like a second school! D:
Working sucks - and I only work in the hols. Hate to think of poor people working week after week - albeit they do get paid. But - bleurghhh :L
How would you walk in these ? Theyre so crazy - love itt 8D
^stolen of royce's blog. Its very true.
III'm going to redirect everyone to crystals blog post, ( visit the link on her page to manda's post as well) - because they were enlightening and fun to read (:
So I'm gonna buy a gun and start a war, if you can tell me something worth fighting for.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
As I am completing each paragraph for my advanced essay, I get a text message- much anticipated text messages too. Oh goodness this is a sign, isn't it? Anyway, this human condition stuff is really getting to me. I reflected and realised that I really regret quitting piano =/ I was halfway through grade 8 when I stopped and now I want to pick it up again. I remember hating to have to practise each week (and by practising I mean spending 10 minutes of car time rolling my fingers on my lap on the way to lessons, and the remaining 10 minutes scribbling clefs and notes on those famous 5 lines who's name was 'stave'.) This continual lack of interest exploded into an argument with my mum one night, when I said 'I'M ONLY GOING TO LESSONS BECAUSE YOU PAY!', and from that moment on, she disenrolled me. I went to my piano today and touched the keys for a fleeting moment. My hands came off dusty and in a way, I felt sad :( Man I wished I played the harp too..
I had a bout of continual sneezes today- I sneezed three times in a row, twice. By that I mean, I sneezed 3 times continuously, then an hour later, it happened again. I'm allergic to something..hmm the cold. I can feel my keyboard freezing up and my phone is too cold to call anyone. Anyway the coldness of the morning encouraged me to get out of the house, and I went to eat shang food with my Dad.
I found a piece of writing at home today- I wrote it in year 4 when we were studying the history of Australia and if i can remember, the question was 'what makes Australia unique?'
HAHA IM SUCH A NOOB- it was the days when I didnt quite understand the meaning of 'natural resource'.
I had a bout of continual sneezes today- I sneezed three times in a row, twice. By that I mean, I sneezed 3 times continuously, then an hour later, it happened again. I'm allergic to something..hmm the cold. I can feel my keyboard freezing up and my phone is too cold to call anyone. Anyway the coldness of the morning encouraged me to get out of the house, and I went to eat shang food with my Dad.
I found a piece of writing at home today- I wrote it in year 4 when we were studying the history of Australia and if i can remember, the question was 'what makes Australia unique?'
HAHA IM SUCH A NOOB- it was the days when I didnt quite understand the meaning of 'natural resource'.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Ohmygoodness what is happening to Year 11's these days? I mean- the people from one of my old schools. I did a bit of 'research' and by that I mean facebooking, and I found out that some of them have left school =( And it makes me sad that it's happened because I thought they were quite intelligent. Anyway I found out that two of my old friends got together which is so cute cos they were both in my year 4 class. And some, have just turned completely wild.
Alright, this next bit may seem a bit silly and laughable but I do encourage you to read on.
It's amazing how emotionally attached one can be to the most insignificant of things. Today, I had to throw away a pair of underwear because it had a hole in it.( and I swear it JUST got there) Broo, I've been wearing that pair for ages. I swear it's been in my closet for like 2 years. Now, you may not know this, but i choose my underwear according to my mood of the day and what mood I'd like to feel. So if I have exams- I wear the purple one. This certain pair, however, was the one I wore when it was a 'meh' day, where it didn't matter how I felt, this pair would always make me happy. And I have a 'meh' day about 80% of the week ( okay, i don't know how that works out but you get the point). WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WHEN THERES A FOUR IN FIVE CHANCE OF HAVING A MEH DAY?? I CANT JUST WEAR ANY COLOURED UNDERWEAR!! The question is: How and Where will I find a new pair? Oh devs devs devs.
Gosh, I'm typing this in my bed and outside I can hear a really loud car booming its way down my street. I guess people like their music loud, but I honestly think the reason they do it is to get attention. WHO"S GONNA LOOK AT YOU FROM THEIR WINDOW WHEN ITS PITCH BLACK HUH?? I CANT SEE YOU, YOU CANT SEE ME, DON"T DISTURB ME FROM MY BLOGGING!
I was watching old episodes of my kitchen rules and there was one quote that I fully lol'd at:
"The chicken was so raw, I thought it was about to take flight". HAHAAHA.
OH and I also lol'd at this picture:
ellejai xx
Alright, this next bit may seem a bit silly and laughable but I do encourage you to read on.
It's amazing how emotionally attached one can be to the most insignificant of things. Today, I had to throw away a pair of underwear because it had a hole in it.( and I swear it JUST got there) Broo, I've been wearing that pair for ages. I swear it's been in my closet for like 2 years. Now, you may not know this, but i choose my underwear according to my mood of the day and what mood I'd like to feel. So if I have exams- I wear the purple one. This certain pair, however, was the one I wore when it was a 'meh' day, where it didn't matter how I felt, this pair would always make me happy. And I have a 'meh' day about 80% of the week ( okay, i don't know how that works out but you get the point). WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WHEN THERES A FOUR IN FIVE CHANCE OF HAVING A MEH DAY?? I CANT JUST WEAR ANY COLOURED UNDERWEAR!! The question is: How and Where will I find a new pair? Oh devs devs devs.
Gosh, I'm typing this in my bed and outside I can hear a really loud car booming its way down my street. I guess people like their music loud, but I honestly think the reason they do it is to get attention. WHO"S GONNA LOOK AT YOU FROM THEIR WINDOW WHEN ITS PITCH BLACK HUH?? I CANT SEE YOU, YOU CANT SEE ME, DON"T DISTURB ME FROM MY BLOGGING!
I was watching old episodes of my kitchen rules and there was one quote that I fully lol'd at:
"The chicken was so raw, I thought it was about to take flight". HAHAAHA.
OH and I also lol'd at this picture:
ellejai xx
you may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one

^and here was I thinking it was just me :P
Yes, I've finally caved to the stereotypical song lyric as blog title ideal.
The first pointless blogpost (:
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Finding Common Scents
I've dug up a quiz from last year and I completed it just then, so the answers are current. I had to erase last year's answers of course, and I think my view has changed for certain topics. Oh today I went to woolies in carlo, and I was in the laundry section near the washing detergents ( for clothes). I saw these middle aged asian women and they spent about 5 whole dedicated minutes comparing washing detergents. I was incredibly bored but this just made food shopping a whole lot more interesting. They were speaking half cantonese and half english so I understood a BIT of it and it went something like this:
A: Napisan, $9 , with stain remover.
B: What about Dynamo?
C: What about the scent?
(proceeded by some arguing that I couldn't understand)
B: This one is cheaper.
C: But this one smells better.
A: We have a problem.
Okay, yeah, I actually started laughing out loud and I think one of them saw me so I ran away. Damn, I should've stayed till the end. OH and I think theres a picture on facebook where I look like Mr Bean. Well I found another photo in my picture library where I look like Mr Bean as well..but I don't think I should put it up =P
A: Napisan, $9 , with stain remover.
B: What about Dynamo?
C: What about the scent?
(proceeded by some arguing that I couldn't understand)
B: This one is cheaper.
C: But this one smells better.
A: We have a problem.
Okay, yeah, I actually started laughing out loud and I think one of them saw me so I ran away. Damn, I should've stayed till the end. OH and I think theres a picture on facebook where I look like Mr Bean. Well I found another photo in my picture library where I look like Mr Bean as well..but I don't think I should put it up =P
how are you feeling at this exact moment?
I’m in the ‘NGAWW’ mood. Good- I think its time to watch 27 Dresses again :D
are you someone who worries too often?
I’d say I worry about things that shouldn’t be worried about, and a bit laid back for the things that should be =/
what is one good thing you’re known for?
Hmm probably having very black hair- well I like my colour so I guess it’s a good thing!
when was the last time you sang an entire song?
Today broo!
are you the type of person who likes to be out or home?
Out out out!
do you like the last person who sent you a facebook
Yep ofc
what time do you normally go to bed?
11.30pm. I can’t go to sleep any earlier cos then I just wake up at about 1 am exact =P
what is one thing that is currently bothering you?
That the weather may affect the mood I’m in grrr..
what did you do today:
I WENT OUT AND HAD FUN :D And substituted Shop Till You Drop magazine for The Sunday Telegraph LOL
what does your appearance look like right now?
I’m in a jumper and thin pants with ice cream trucks, soft cones and lollipops on them. My hair is messy too =(
who did you last talk to in person?
last phone call?
do you think places like new york city and california are overrated?
I’ve never actually been there but I’d like to think not
what was the last test you took?
If I could not eat a piece of fruit for a day.
Oh yeah, and I failed.
where will you be 2 hours from now?
Sound asleep like a baby
does anyone love you?
can you make yourself sneeze?
No I can’t, but I’d like to think of the amount of allergies you could fake.
have you ever passed out?
Nope! I’m a strong woman haha
where were you at 9am this morning?
Still asleep dude.
what does your last text message read?
It went something along the lines of ‘I can hear my mother talking 2 rooms away and she thinks she’s whispering’
are you too forgiving?
Just a bit!
what are you doing tomorrow?
I think I have a dental appointment..oh wait maybe that’s next week.. maybe I’ll go golf :D
what did you do last night?
Dropped lisa off at her home lol
what are you doing tonight?
Watching all the news programs like 60 minutes and Sunday night
where did you last sleep other than your house?
AT PEER SUPPORT CAMP! Lolol I don’t think that even counts because we didn’t exactly sleep.
what is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
I gave a hug to my soft toy dog J
have you ever had a dream about people you love dying?
Nope. How scarring D:
who was the last person you cried in front of?
Probably someone from school.
have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
I always
is heartbreak really as bad as it sounds?
For some it’s a chance to move on and be happier. For others its like the end of the world. I have no idea
what’s the last thing you put in your mouth?
have you ever kissed anyone named michael?
name someone that made you laugh today?
Myself when I uncovered some photos in primary
which of your friends lives closest to you?
Alex !
do you believe girls fight too much?
Nah not really as I’ve seen it. But on tv- it’s a bit exaggerated.
can you live a day without tv?
Its okay, I’ll survive
what are you listening to right now?
Raindrops and crickets.
where do you wish you were right now?
You know when people have parties at night and sometimes you just chill by taking a walk outside on the balcony and you look at the stars. Yeah I wish I was in that moment
night out or night in?
Let’s classify this: I like having a sleepover at a friend’s house – so I guess it’s a night out but a night in.
do you think its right for straight guys to get their tongue pierced?
It’s not right or wrong but I don’t particularly fancy that
do you hate anyone?
Nah I’m not a hater- just the occasional tv character ^^
Friday, April 8, 2011
The Not-Holidays
The Not Holidays are the :holidays of term 1 - not. Whichhh basically sums up about what - everyone in year 11's? holidays this term (: Two week study sessions before exams more like it.
Am so exhausted from musical - which was certainly a very different late night to the norm. Have a lot to teach tomorow - so we'll be learning loads and hoping super-nerdy-ruse memory helps you remembering it. Thanks year 11 guys for being so patient today! (:
Got back 3u - everyone seems so disappointed with 15's and 16's. I don't see why they are though! First yr 11 exam - toughly marked - and 15/16 is apparently average! So chillax dudes (: I'm happy with my mark - whilst not ideal is still a nice number.
Happy Early Birthday ELIZABETH LIM for the 11th of April (:
Played mafia in math today - with double cards! So everyone gets 2 cards - and if youre maf even if you get doc/cop card, your priority is maf. Once a maf - always a maf. So with Mad Cows, Oracles and other crazy shizz safe to say the whole thing was wild. The look on Leo's face when he found out I wasnt a Doc but a Maf was HILARIOUS. ''I - I - I trusted you! D: ' LOLOL - mafia win ;)
When life gets you down, just take a deep breath and pretend you're a turtle.
or think of how lucky you are to be a part of the 30% with a roof over your head, electricity, and education.
Thanks Em (:
cause youre amazing, just the way you are
Am so exhausted from musical - which was certainly a very different late night to the norm. Have a lot to teach tomorow - so we'll be learning loads and hoping super-nerdy-ruse memory helps you remembering it. Thanks year 11 guys for being so patient today! (:
Got back 3u - everyone seems so disappointed with 15's and 16's. I don't see why they are though! First yr 11 exam - toughly marked - and 15/16 is apparently average! So chillax dudes (: I'm happy with my mark - whilst not ideal is still a nice number.
Happy Early Birthday ELIZABETH LIM for the 11th of April (:
Played mafia in math today - with double cards! So everyone gets 2 cards - and if youre maf even if you get doc/cop card, your priority is maf. Once a maf - always a maf. So with Mad Cows, Oracles and other crazy shizz safe to say the whole thing was wild. The look on Leo's face when he found out I wasnt a Doc but a Maf was HILARIOUS. ''I - I - I trusted you! D: ' LOLOL - mafia win ;)
When life gets you down, just take a deep breath and pretend you're a turtle.

or think of how lucky you are to be a part of the 30% with a roof over your head, electricity, and education.
Thanks Em (:
cause youre amazing, just the way you are
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Youtube&Thursday B's
Was talkin about this guy Kingsley with Lea, Joy and Leen the other day- the online, song-trashing youtube troll. Funniest guy everrr ahahaha (:
this guy is such a troll but i dont think he actually believes what he's saying - its all in good fun. youve probs seen him before on tumblr quote pics and shizz if you have tumblr (:
Rebecca Black's opinion on her song - no offense to her but seriously does she believe the crap about 'gotta have my cereal' representing modern American consumerism !? D: no offense to her but yes - Friday is a trashy modern pop song to about 99%of the world :L
Gotta love youtube (:
EDIT: totes forgot to put this in! monica linked me - WATCH WATCH EVERYONE WHO REMEMBERS WATCHING THE HITLER MOVIE LAST YEAR (in history!)
Hitler Hates HSC English - LAUGHED SO HARD
'There will be no place for Hitler in Harvard :( '
recommend watching the above vid, out of the three here. seriously funny - or maybs its cause I did german :L
and ofc gotta give a shout out to harry potter musical -this one is for jennyfrogs - i will watch sequel soon! (:
Kiran keeps creeping me out asking me how my day was D: Three guesses as to what he's talking about each and every time and the first two dont count. Fmlll - the next world cup is in four years :(
Found a new site - fashionaddict.com :D SO CHEAP. Will try getting someone to shop online for me - or ask if I'm allowed.
Okay this post is getting incredibly girly :/
A survey conducted at Harvard found that you lose two best friends when you fall in love.
Hope youre all educated turtles now (:
Make cranes and buy food tmrw!
this guy is such a troll but i dont think he actually believes what he's saying - its all in good fun. youve probs seen him before on tumblr quote pics and shizz if you have tumblr (:
Rebecca Black's opinion on her song - no offense to her but seriously does she believe the crap about 'gotta have my cereal' representing modern American consumerism !? D: no offense to her but yes - Friday is a trashy modern pop song to about 99%of the world :L
Gotta love youtube (:
EDIT: totes forgot to put this in! monica linked me - WATCH WATCH EVERYONE WHO REMEMBERS WATCHING THE HITLER MOVIE LAST YEAR (in history!)
Hitler Hates HSC English - LAUGHED SO HARD
'There will be no place for Hitler in Harvard :( '
recommend watching the above vid, out of the three here. seriously funny - or maybs its cause I did german :L
and ofc gotta give a shout out to harry potter musical -this one is for jennyfrogs - i will watch sequel soon! (:
Kiran keeps creeping me out asking me how my day was D: Three guesses as to what he's talking about each and every time and the first two dont count. Fmlll - the next world cup is in four years :(
Found a new site - fashionaddict.com :D SO CHEAP. Will try getting someone to shop online for me - or ask if I'm allowed.
Okay this post is getting incredibly girly :/
A survey conducted at Harvard found that you lose two best friends when you fall in love.
Hope youre all educated turtles now (:
Make cranes and buy food tmrw!
I had a funny day- and by that I mean, I laughed a lot. Also I tell you, physics is a very violent subject. A bit horrific too D: But the questions I encountered today were hilarious. I had a look at this random physics question in the moving about topic and it was on momentum. Basically it went: A car of mass 1.5 tonnes, travelling at 70km/h hits a pedestrian, who is stationary in the middle of the road. The car then has a final velocity of 20km/h. If the pedestrian weighs 50kg, what is their final velocity? LMAOOO WHAT THE CRAAZY WOULDN"T THE PEDESTRIAN BE KNOCKED FLAT ON THE GROUND AND DIE? Anyway, I answered the question and if I can remember, the pedestrian's final velocity was 416m/s WHICH IS QUITE FAST. LOOL. Oh and the fun doesn't stop there. There was another question and it went along these lines: Car A moving at 60km/h and Car B moving at 75km/h are both travelling along a road when a child runs across. Both cars attempt to avoid the child but hit the child, who has a mass of 40 kg. Car A hit the child at 27km/h and Car B hit the child at 54km/hr. THE POOR KID!!!! After the first car hits the child, wouldn't they be lying on the floor with broken ribs at least? Does that mean the second car just RAN OVER the child and reduced the kid to...nothing???
As I said, physics is incredibly violent.
Anyway, my imagination took me a little further. Remember ( a few posts ago), how I was curious about acceleration of acceleration, or basically, the change in acceleration? Well, I did a little random googling and I found out that the change in acceleration is in fact called JERK. IM NOT KIDDING GO WIKI IT!!! SO NOW I KNOW WHAT THE THIRD DERIVATIVE IS USED FOR!! OOFT what a smart cookie I am =P
OH and I made a new friend today.
As I said, physics is incredibly violent.
Anyway, my imagination took me a little further. Remember ( a few posts ago), how I was curious about acceleration of acceleration, or basically, the change in acceleration? Well, I did a little random googling and I found out that the change in acceleration is in fact called JERK. IM NOT KIDDING GO WIKI IT!!! SO NOW I KNOW WHAT THE THIRD DERIVATIVE IS USED FOR!! OOFT what a smart cookie I am =P
OH and I made a new friend today.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
An eyefull of Tutti Frutti
You know when you're concentrating on something and out of the corner of your eye, you see some bright circle on the wall or ceiling coming and going and dancing about? Yeah, I find those intriguing, because you've always gotta find out what the heck it is. You always assume it's something reflective and today, I just couldn't find that certain thing. Turns out, mother was cutting her nails so meticulously and the light reflected off the nail clipper. Took me 10 minutes to figure that out. And that's 10 minutes off a maths paper. Valuable time, valuable time 8D
I have come to the realisation that my right eye has been twitching a bit in the mornings D: And I think it MAY be because instead of sleeping flat on my back, I sleep on the side of my face- i.e. MY RIGHT EYE GETS COMPRESSED. And after I wake up, my eye gets used to the fact that it's not being squished and tries to 'wriggle' it's way out of that compressed state by twitching. Cool hypothesis eh? Alright, tonight, I'm gonna sleep on my back- gawsh this is gonna be hard =( I HATE SLEEPING FLAT! On a brighter note, I'm really happy today. And I think anyone can always tell when I'm happy. After school, I went to officeworks with daddy and bought myself a new calculator! LOL its amazing how friendly the curry storesmen are there! OMG and I saw these rubber bands that are 'moulded' to the shape of a dinosaur ( and some other funky shapes) when they're not tensed, and I went OOFT! I decided to come home after sport ( ooh and I made basketball :D) and have a massage on my awesome massage chair.
I realise that I'm a complete fruit machine. Today I had 3 mandarins, rockmelon, grapes and some healthy lemon juice thing. Yesterday, I had an orange, rockmelon and a persimmon. I swear half my digestive system is consists of fruit juice and pulp..and the acidity levels, probably through the roof D: Oh and the fruit doesn't just stop there. My face scrub is apricot, my lip balm is paw paw, my moisturiser is mango and my shampoo smells like a 'berry infusion' thanks to herbal essences. But all that skin stuff, it's so I don't shrivel up, just like a prune =P
I have come to the realisation that my right eye has been twitching a bit in the mornings D: And I think it MAY be because instead of sleeping flat on my back, I sleep on the side of my face- i.e. MY RIGHT EYE GETS COMPRESSED. And after I wake up, my eye gets used to the fact that it's not being squished and tries to 'wriggle' it's way out of that compressed state by twitching. Cool hypothesis eh? Alright, tonight, I'm gonna sleep on my back- gawsh this is gonna be hard =( I HATE SLEEPING FLAT! On a brighter note, I'm really happy today. And I think anyone can always tell when I'm happy. After school, I went to officeworks with daddy and bought myself a new calculator! LOL its amazing how friendly the curry storesmen are there! OMG and I saw these rubber bands that are 'moulded' to the shape of a dinosaur ( and some other funky shapes) when they're not tensed, and I went OOFT! I decided to come home after sport ( ooh and I made basketball :D) and have a massage on my awesome massage chair.
I realise that I'm a complete fruit machine. Today I had 3 mandarins, rockmelon, grapes and some healthy lemon juice thing. Yesterday, I had an orange, rockmelon and a persimmon. I swear half my digestive system is consists of fruit juice and pulp..and the acidity levels, probably through the roof D: Oh and the fruit doesn't just stop there. My face scrub is apricot, my lip balm is paw paw, my moisturiser is mango and my shampoo smells like a 'berry infusion' thanks to herbal essences. But all that skin stuff, it's so I don't shrivel up, just like a prune =P
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Monday, April 4, 2011
That's one secret I'll never tell
A sudden memory came back to me today. This probably applied to girls, but remember how some people were like 'oh tell me what this person said to you and I promise, I promise I won't tell anyone, we're best friends, remember?' And I've always had a certain opinion on it and well here it is. If you're actually best friends with the person, you'd probably admire them for their honesty and trust them in keeping your word safe. By pushing them to tell you someone else's private matters, you're being quite a hypocrite because you're trying to get them to betray someone else's trust. So basically, no matter how close or distant even, you are to me, if someone tells me a secret and asks me to keep it, I'll keep it. Because I just think going behind someone's back cos you can't keep your mouth shut, isn't being a good friend. And you don't deserve to be their secret keeper. I don't think people do it now in high school, but I remember feeling very strongly about it in primary and still do =)
OOH I just thought, what if the secret was about doing something illegal? I wouldn't want to be involved in anything that includes breaking the law, but I would try to help them get help.
OOFT I just watched the burberry sports perfume ad with Douglas Booth TEEHEE NOW IM OFF FOR A GOOD NIGHTS SLEEP!
OOH I just thought, what if the secret was about doing something illegal? I wouldn't want to be involved in anything that includes breaking the law, but I would try to help them get help.
OOFT I just watched the burberry sports perfume ad with Douglas Booth TEEHEE NOW IM OFF FOR A GOOD NIGHTS SLEEP!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Sticks And Stones May Break My Bones But All those Ugly Words Made Me Wealthy
The title was a quote by Mrs Jay from ANTM and I freaking love it.
You know what's really hard? Trying to say something that could be taken as insulting, to someone who does a lot for you. Ill get straight to it- my dad cooks each night and I do appreciate that he spends so long doing it, but I'm sick of eating his food that I haven't eaten dinner at home for the past 4 days. And I think he's gotten the message =/ Oh what shall I do? Anyway, my family went out tonight for my grandpa's birthday and for the first time I tried sea cucumber. OHMYGOLLYTROLLEY that stuff is amazing and apparently it's got no cholesterol and no fat - hard to believe ;D I got into this conversation about my future job and I notice that everyone says that a job in finance or commerce or whatever isn't as good as a job in say medicine, because you're not giving back to the community. My knowledge into the economics field is limited, I'll admit, but who's to say you can't help a company plan their future investments, and help them create a better system to satisfy customers while bringing in more revenue? In simple terms, help them help the community? Just because you're not directly and physically helping someone, doesn't mean you can't help them in other ways. I also believe that a job should be about what you like, and not about what people like you to be. You're career will be stuck with you for more than a quarter of your life and I think you've gotta put you're interests first but still keep in mind it's worth. What's the use of doing all the charity work if you're hearts not really in it? I hope that didn't sound selfish, but I needed to put it out there. You gotta do what you gotta do.
I bought the newspaper for the first time this year, and was reading the body and soul section. OOFT I LOVE THAT SECTION! A fact about avocados: Did you know that the really green soft bit, just under the skin is full of vitamins and a whole lot of awesomeness and is basically, the best part of the fruit? So SCOOP UP all that loveliness and savour the unsaturated fatty acids!
This weekend, I've been to a lot of public places.... alright that sounded weird, but anyway it's been interesting. I was in an elevator going down and a guy comes into the same one as me and we're going to ground floor. I notice he presses 'G' and holds the 'close door' button continuously-but what was amazing is that the lift went straight down, without any stops. I asked a few people later on about holding the close door button because I didn't think it worked, but for all the times someone else did it, it worked. I must have unlucky hands =/ No, but seriously, is that trick supposed to work?
Okay, public incident #2. I was in a toilet, female of course, and in the cubicle. There were two girls outside of the cubicles washing their hands and talking really loudly about menstral cycles and all things associated with it like tampons. I couldn't help but laugh inside of me because they way they talked about it was so LOL worthy. I wanted them to get out of the toilet ASAP because I was gonna burst out in laughter, but at the same time, keep on talking cos it was just so damn funny.
Public incident #3. Don't you just hate it when theres a cutie on the train and they get off at the next stop? And you've caught the all stops train and you're stop is the last one? It makes the journey that much longer but I noticed this guy constantly smiled. He was looking out the window..and smiling. Grabbing his bag..and smiling. It made me all fuzzy inside and I started smiling ^^
Public incident #4: I think I saw a pair of lesbian lovers. How COOL 8D
Ohnoes I just looked up 'sea cucmber' on wikipedia and I can't believe I ate that thing D: Also, it feeds on decaying organic matter O_O OOFT OOFT TINTIN THE MOVIE IS COMING OUT AT THE END OF THIS YEAR. I HOPE EVERYONE"S UP FOR PRE HSC FUN!
You know what's really hard? Trying to say something that could be taken as insulting, to someone who does a lot for you. Ill get straight to it- my dad cooks each night and I do appreciate that he spends so long doing it, but I'm sick of eating his food that I haven't eaten dinner at home for the past 4 days. And I think he's gotten the message =/ Oh what shall I do? Anyway, my family went out tonight for my grandpa's birthday and for the first time I tried sea cucumber. OHMYGOLLYTROLLEY that stuff is amazing and apparently it's got no cholesterol and no fat - hard to believe ;D I got into this conversation about my future job and I notice that everyone says that a job in finance or commerce or whatever isn't as good as a job in say medicine, because you're not giving back to the community. My knowledge into the economics field is limited, I'll admit, but who's to say you can't help a company plan their future investments, and help them create a better system to satisfy customers while bringing in more revenue? In simple terms, help them help the community? Just because you're not directly and physically helping someone, doesn't mean you can't help them in other ways. I also believe that a job should be about what you like, and not about what people like you to be. You're career will be stuck with you for more than a quarter of your life and I think you've gotta put you're interests first but still keep in mind it's worth. What's the use of doing all the charity work if you're hearts not really in it? I hope that didn't sound selfish, but I needed to put it out there. You gotta do what you gotta do.
I bought the newspaper for the first time this year, and was reading the body and soul section. OOFT I LOVE THAT SECTION! A fact about avocados: Did you know that the really green soft bit, just under the skin is full of vitamins and a whole lot of awesomeness and is basically, the best part of the fruit? So SCOOP UP all that loveliness and savour the unsaturated fatty acids!
This weekend, I've been to a lot of public places.... alright that sounded weird, but anyway it's been interesting. I was in an elevator going down and a guy comes into the same one as me and we're going to ground floor. I notice he presses 'G' and holds the 'close door' button continuously-but what was amazing is that the lift went straight down, without any stops. I asked a few people later on about holding the close door button because I didn't think it worked, but for all the times someone else did it, it worked. I must have unlucky hands =/ No, but seriously, is that trick supposed to work?
Okay, public incident #2. I was in a toilet, female of course, and in the cubicle. There were two girls outside of the cubicles washing their hands and talking really loudly about menstral cycles and all things associated with it like tampons. I couldn't help but laugh inside of me because they way they talked about it was so LOL worthy. I wanted them to get out of the toilet ASAP because I was gonna burst out in laughter, but at the same time, keep on talking cos it was just so damn funny.
Public incident #3. Don't you just hate it when theres a cutie on the train and they get off at the next stop? And you've caught the all stops train and you're stop is the last one? It makes the journey that much longer but I noticed this guy constantly smiled. He was looking out the window..and smiling. Grabbing his bag..and smiling. It made me all fuzzy inside and I started smiling ^^
Public incident #4: I think I saw a pair of lesbian lovers. How COOL 8D
Ohnoes I just looked up 'sea cucmber' on wikipedia and I can't believe I ate that thing D: Also, it feeds on decaying organic matter O_O OOFT OOFT TINTIN THE MOVIE IS COMING OUT AT THE END OF THIS YEAR. I HOPE EVERYONE"S UP FOR PRE HSC FUN!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
This north-Indian event where people go and dance to Indian musicc (:
But in all seriousness was pretty epic. Me, Lena, Sushmitha, and Anu all went to Anu's house, and got changed there from musical - btw Anu's little brother is so cute :D Then Puneet and Nana came over and we all left :D
Went to this place in Castle Grand - actualy we arrived pretty early :L and then met up with Anu's friend Aanchal and walked in. Omg - so many people STARE at you. Bloody unnerving :L And then came the whole everyone greeting people thing whilst we waited - so me and Lena kept doign re-enactments of literally EVERYONE there. The whole thing was pretty much the same.
''Excuse me?
*squealing and much hugging
*i havent seen you in ages!
etc etc .
And, there were actually quite a few white/asian / non curry peopel there too - all dressed in curry stuff - so yeah (:
First came Garba part of the night - which is dancing with sticks basically. Everyone was pretty much making up their own dance, and there was this awesome line thing, where you danced with one person, then spun around, and got a NEW PARTNER :D Except the dance thing kept changing so it was confusing >< But fun - and ran into a lot of people from curry extra-curricular stuff and events and stuff(:
Thennnn - I think this was about when we ran into Tree, Kiran and Saj. Then danced with them - TREE IS SURPRISINGLY GOOD AT THE WHOLE INDIAN DANCING THING. Haha - just sayinn. (:
Uhh, after this we (me lena anu nana puneet sush aanchal) went to get drinks and stuff, and met up with tree and stuff again.
OH RIGHT - Tried teaching tree some indian phrases ( i love you / marry me?) and he actually went up and said them to some (semi) randoms :D Ahaha - none of them took it seriously cause they all thought he didnt know what he wa s saying - which was partially true:L
Shortly after that was saj's third-wheeling session (I think tree intentionally dogged him? He was laughing his head off - but gotta admit it was funny :P) , whilst Aanchal was showing us Bhangara moves - which is basically any move that looks remotely indian. We were trying to indian-ify musical routines - IT IS SCARILY EASY - esp with Sur La Plage!
Then came performances - HOLY MOLEY THEY WERE CRAZY. Where do people get the energy D:
After that was this huge wait, cause there was something wrong with the speakers - so everything was about 40min delayed. Which is actually pretty typical for any curry event but still D: then came Bhangara - for anyone who doesnt knwow what that is, it is pretty much Indian 'pop' music? and you can basically dance anything cause the lights are off and noone sees you. Sooo everyone was doing typical curry moves like' screw the lightbulb pat the dog' and the 'traffic lights' somehting that Aanchal taught us and stuff - but some English songs came on. Was undoubtedly funnest part of the whoel night - exactly liek a school dance - but with indian music and curry dance moves x)
I swear the whole night random people would come up to you and be like ''OMG do you rememeber me ? from ______ (Pre Uni / That dance event / Youre _____'s brother!) etc etc. Which was particularly awkward cause one person came up to me and asked me that - and I honestly had no idea who she was D: But met up with so many people who I havent seen in ages which was amazing (: And met a bunch of new people too actually .
Then we had to LEAVEEE :( (Me and Puneet)
If there are no exams - we are all so going next year (:
One - kinda bad quality but i think its cause of Facebook - photo of us at Anu's place( :
Btw: Nana's laugh is hilarious :)
and Anu's parents are amazingly nice :D
This north-Indian event where people go and dance to Indian musicc (:
But in all seriousness was pretty epic. Me, Lena, Sushmitha, and Anu all went to Anu's house, and got changed there from musical - btw Anu's little brother is so cute :D Then Puneet and Nana came over and we all left :D
Went to this place in Castle Grand - actualy we arrived pretty early :L and then met up with Anu's friend Aanchal and walked in. Omg - so many people STARE at you. Bloody unnerving :L And then came the whole everyone greeting people thing whilst we waited - so me and Lena kept doign re-enactments of literally EVERYONE there. The whole thing was pretty much the same.
''Excuse me?
*squealing and much hugging
*i havent seen you in ages!
etc etc .
And, there were actually quite a few white/asian / non curry peopel there too - all dressed in curry stuff - so yeah (:
First came Garba part of the night - which is dancing with sticks basically. Everyone was pretty much making up their own dance, and there was this awesome line thing, where you danced with one person, then spun around, and got a NEW PARTNER :D Except the dance thing kept changing so it was confusing >< But fun - and ran into a lot of people from curry extra-curricular stuff and events and stuff(:
Thennnn - I think this was about when we ran into Tree, Kiran and Saj. Then danced with them - TREE IS SURPRISINGLY GOOD AT THE WHOLE INDIAN DANCING THING. Haha - just sayinn. (:
Uhh, after this we (me lena anu nana puneet sush aanchal) went to get drinks and stuff, and met up with tree and stuff again.
OH RIGHT - Tried teaching tree some indian phrases ( i love you / marry me?) and he actually went up and said them to some (semi) randoms :D Ahaha - none of them took it seriously cause they all thought he didnt know what he wa s saying - which was partially true:L
Shortly after that was saj's third-wheeling session (I think tree intentionally dogged him? He was laughing his head off - but gotta admit it was funny :P) , whilst Aanchal was showing us Bhangara moves - which is basically any move that looks remotely indian. We were trying to indian-ify musical routines - IT IS SCARILY EASY - esp with Sur La Plage!
Then came performances - HOLY MOLEY THEY WERE CRAZY. Where do people get the energy D:
After that was this huge wait, cause there was something wrong with the speakers - so everything was about 40min delayed. Which is actually pretty typical for any curry event but still D: then came Bhangara - for anyone who doesnt knwow what that is, it is pretty much Indian 'pop' music? and you can basically dance anything cause the lights are off and noone sees you. Sooo everyone was doing typical curry moves like' screw the lightbulb pat the dog' and the 'traffic lights' somehting that Aanchal taught us and stuff - but some English songs came on. Was undoubtedly funnest part of the whoel night - exactly liek a school dance - but with indian music and curry dance moves x)
I swear the whole night random people would come up to you and be like ''OMG do you rememeber me ? from ______ (Pre Uni / That dance event / Youre _____'s brother!) etc etc. Which was particularly awkward cause one person came up to me and asked me that - and I honestly had no idea who she was D: But met up with so many people who I havent seen in ages which was amazing (: And met a bunch of new people too actually .
Then we had to LEAVEEE :( (Me and Puneet)
If there are no exams - we are all so going next year (:
how indian does tree look :D Lol -gave him my scarf-thing so he'd look more curry - totes worked :D
One - kinda bad quality but i think its cause of Facebook - photo of us at Anu's place( :
Btw: Nana's laugh is hilarious :)
and Anu's parents are amazingly nice :D
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