Friday, September 23, 2011

Velkommen to Summer

Wow what a hektik week it's been! Tuesday was the luncheon (and my bday hehe) which was quite relaxing to set up for, followed by the 'Footpath to Finance' seminar in Macquarie bank. Okay the food was freakin awesome. Thanks for all the birthday wishes and presents! It really makes my day that much better!  So after the luncheon, me and Rach headed off to the city and found our way to macquarie bank in wynyard. As you may know, Wynyard is the place with all the banks and tall buildings..Corporate Central if you will haha. And I realise, that if i want to work there when i'm older I really need some hard hairgel or  I may have to tie my hair up every day cos seriously the wind there is cruel. Cruel as in it makes your hair cover your face until you can no longer see 1m ahead and you start walking backwards cos the gale force is that strong. ANYWAY Macquarie bank building is awesome..and so was the seminar room. I felt like I was at a wedding :) And the food was simple but the best of the simple. Ive never seen that pretty cupcakes and pieces of pineapple that appealing. I also ate half a passionfruit by itself because I liked the way it was cut up so perfectly. After the talk finished, I met up with a few friends and ate at Sushi Choo for $20 all you can eat!

Okay then Thursday comes around and hmm where shall I start. Okay I get home kinda late sometimes and  I walk upstairs and into the kitchen. But wait, the frigging glass door is open. And this curtain is frigging moving.... Now this door leads to the sunroom with the bbq and the bikes. Then there's another door that leads to the backyard.
Me thinks, 'maybe i just left the door open'.. but then I look outside and OMGSH the back door is open too! I walk through the sunroom in shock and realise the window is also open. In a hurry, I grab this huge torch (which by the way, is SUPER heavy like I swear if I applied minimal force to it and swung it to someone's head, they'd be KO'd immediately) and I go outside. The frigging fly screen is broken on the ground..and it's been taken off. I walk back into the house and realise the glass door handle has been forced/pryed open. Holly Molly my house has been broken in to.
Long story short-they didnt take anything cos my alarms too damn effective (LOL YOU PUSSY) but seriously I want you, yes you, to take a look around you : DO IT!
Now if someone came into your house right now, and you had seconds to think/act, what would you do? Look for some sort of weapon around you (DO IT NOW) and if not, think about how you could use something to escape or even KO the intruder. You need to think fast in these situations.

Omgsh in physics today a huge fly landed on a page in my phys book and Bae and I just had the usual reaction of 'EWW !!" and sorta veered away from it. But then Mr Ben Wang turns around and looks at it and in an impulsive act, seeks to lift his hand and slam it straight down on my book. Straight after, he lifts his hand to look at it and we see a huge black fly dangling off his hand. He gives the o.O look before proceeding to go 'oh..ew' and then goes to wash his hands. SERIOUSLY I HAVE FLY ON MY BOOK. Hopefully maggots dont start growing out of the FLY pile and start engaging in the act of reproduction on my trajectory diagrams. Because that would just make projectile motion even more dismal. Oh and to make the incident even more memorable, Bae draws a huge circle around the pile of fly remnants, as if it was important or something. Honestly, may as well have highlighted it. And finally, I ask Ben why the heck he did that and he goes 'oh im sorry! it was only done on impulse! I have competitions with my grandma to see who can hit the most flies!' LOL UNCIVILISED.

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