Saturday, February 4, 2012

Eye don't see it

Hello there!
I haven't posted in a while and yes I've been busy with school but I thought I'd take some time to lay my thoughts on what's been going on. I'm really happy with how school has started and I'm good with the teachers I have :) Recently, apart from watching just about every episode of Judge Judy on youtube, I've started watching make up gurus and their tutorials. I saw some eyeshadow tutorials and I noticed that in order to achieve many of their looks, they use copious amounts of product which I don't really see as necessary. And I'm talking about their use of actual expensive eye shadow as a frigging 'base' for other colours. So Ill do a little imitating of what the girl in the video showed me. Bear with the sarcasm.

Now the first thing I'm gonna do is take a bit of my Dior cleanser just to remove those oils already on my eyelids. Notice that I'm going in a circular motion, just dabbing from the bridge of my nose outwards to the corner of my eye. Then, as you can see I'm taking a dab of Neutrogena facial moisturising cream so that my lids are frigging damp with moisture so the powdered eyeshadow doesn't dry out my lovely eyelids. This next step is one you MUST MUST do in order to achieve a flawless look that'll last you the night, I'm gonna  take my MAC primer (the skin coloured foundation) and just blend. This will provide a blank canvas for the rest of the colours so they last the night. Now, I'm taking my MAC mineralize eyeshadow in 'BeDazzle' just to provide a very soft pink base for the other dark purple colours that'll really bring out my EYES OH WOOPEE. Now take a blending brush and as you can see I'm using Chanel's 'metallic purple' to just cover my whole damn eye which I will later pound on with black and gold and silver and end up looking like a panda.

You get the point. She starts off with a pink base and ends up with a black eye cos it 'brings out the warmth in black'.-O.O-  Okay, I didn't mean to be..sarcastic/mean or whatever, but its quite funny how make up gurus use so much product on their eyes and I don't really see how all the prep and bases and paints contribute to the final look. In fact, I'm probably wrong. It probably does give it a warmth, a warmth that I can't quite see. Actually, it's a wonder why they don't fall asleep cos their eyes are so loaded and heavy with so much stuff on the lids.

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