Monday, November 28, 2011

Are you CEREAL

Have you ever walked down the aisle of the cereal section in supermarkets and been drawn to those boxes plastered in pictures of how much fruit it has in it, only to come home and realise theres like ONE FRICKING DRIED GRAPE in it? Then you look at the front cover of the box in disbelief and go HEY isnt there supposed to be a whole papaya in this? BUT NO theres a measley portion of diced crap that instead tastes like apricot? Trust me, I've had my fair share of what I call anticlimatic cereals. They get your mouth salivating but then the disappointment results in that drool filling up the cereal bowl, instead of actual tasty fruit.

I bought the 'Be natural' cereal today-the apple one. I came home and tried it straight away despite the four opened 'anticlimatic cereals' in my pantry. It was a cereal that did not disappoint. When I opened it, I actually found clusters of granola and cute pink apple pieces floating around the package which made me get the scissors and eat it. It wasn't too sweet or too plain :) Unlike fricking crunchy nut- man, I swear that stuff is like the shizz they use to make caramel flavoured milk. No Joke. You could pretty much chuck a whole serving of crunchy nut in a sieve and filter milk through it, turning plain milk into something of the likes of condensed milk. I swear, even the colour would go from white to golden. Its that motherfricking sweet. And now, I've just revealed another genius method of industrial production of caramel milk. It could be called 'Crunchy Nut Milk'. LOL. Or EVEN BETTER. Industrial and may I say ECONOMICALLY EFFICIENT production of glucose molecules (SORTA). Which may then be used by the petrochemical industry to produce plastics.

There are some cereals and muselis which have an unbelievable amount of raisins in it. Thats disgusting man. Not only are they too sweet but some of them look like shriveled up cocroaches. Do I really want them to be in my bowl? Speaking of cocroaches, I was on msn last night and I saw a cocroach next to me. Heres the reason why I cant do anything about them:
1) if you use tissues- too few tissues and you feel their legs squirming around which is yuck.
2) too many tissues and theres less grip so theres a chance it'll fall to the ground again (possibly on your foot) and run away.
That is the problem. I didnt want to wake my parent up cos that would be about the 3rd time this week, so I did this weird thing to make it go away. It is based on the principle of it running away when there are big vibrations.
SO I leant one hand on the kitchen table and one hand on the chair and I did this body up sorta thing where I pounded my feet on the floor then lifted myself up with the support of the furniture so my feet wouldnt touch the floor. And it worked. It scurried away and never came back.

xx LJ

Friday, November 25, 2011


YO there! OKay so I have zero motivation to do work tonight and I have a photoshoot tomorrow :) Anyway, theres this thing in our household where my mum gets chocolates from work and none of us eat chocolate. My dad is lactose intolerant, my mums a doctor and then theres me. So my mum brings home a box of Lindt chocolates the size of my arm (full length) and leaves it downstairs. And so everytime i leave the house, i have to walk past it and look at it unopened. So at the start of exams, I finally had the courage to open it. I dont really like chocolate but I felt this was too good to waste. And since then, I havent really eaten many. But tonight my mum rages at me WHY HAVE YOUU EATEN HALF A BOX!! Honestly, I havent eaten half a box-my dad has been eating them.  And so she continues to take it away and hide it where I cant find it. And i need some for when my mind is exploding from the complexities of exams. Sad story.

Oh and I thought this was funny. On the way to english exam on monday, my dad asked me what I was being tested on. He told me not to worry cos I'll get 100% for sure because my hand writing is neat. Then I said that the test is not on handwriting. What amazed me was his reaction- he asked why not? Like he actually thought english was about the physical act of writing ie handwriting. I explained in THE most basic manner that they give you a question and you have to argue it but he interpreted it as speaking arguing. And so I said 'you're not allowed to talk in exams or you'll get a zero.' And so the father said 'then how do you expect to get 100% if you cant talk it out?' OHMY HOLLY MOLLY I COULD SEE THE BLONDE COMING OUT OF THAT GUY.
See this is the things about exams-I've got to talk to him a little more than I usually would due to more frequent car rides. So I was explaining physics the other day:
I told him it was about movement and calculating speed-the most basic thing about physics. So he doesn't know what physics is. And im trying to memorise something in the car and he asks me to spell it out for him before he writes it down on paper. But then I say 'relativity' and he also writes that down -though I doubt you'd find an explanation for that in the chinese dictionary LMAO. And what fricking made me LOL was that he couldnt spell relativity so he wrote rel..and then this HUGE MASSIVE SQUIGGLE THING that resembled the end of the word. So he basically tried to fudge the spelling. Oh goodness dad you amaze me.
And in the afternoon today, he came home with a green tub. Like an actual round tub thing. I'm like 'What's that for?' and he goes 'its for my feet'. LOL MAN FOOT SPA. My expression is like O.O then he continues to say 'it's supposed to help you sleep. each night, I'll soak my feet in warm water before bed'. HAHAHAAAH.
And in my little head, I'm thinking-when you're overseas, and the fish tank goes all green cos idc about it, ima use that tub to put our little fishies in.

This was a random post. GOODLUCK IN EXAMS :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday 9th

I've done enough dotpoint phys. I shall therefore recount my day in dotpoints :)
- my mum screamed early this morning which woke me up. Turns out she witnessed the awful sight of my dad stepping on a cockroach. 
-I got to morning class early, only to be told we needed another 2 bookmarks O.O
- In physics, Annie turned to me after Mr khoury was speaking of Einstein, and said 'so like..Einstein was like.. really smart...' HAHAHAA. 
- Found out I need to study maths more than anything else. And that there's not enough time. 

Oh and I plan to go completely rogue after exams. Like the biggest dropkick ever. I will bludge so hard. You know what? I've always wanted to like catch a train and not know where I end up. Like an unplanned train trip. To absolutely nowhere.