Saturday, February 11, 2012


You know, I'd really like to make a tetris sandwich, just for the kicks. It wouldn't be that hard right? Just slice here slice there and BAM, the perfect strategy to win a game. All you have to do is get those shapes in exactly that order XP
Anyway, one of my dreams when I'm older and I can afford a big house -as strange as this may sound, is to have an orchard at the back of my house, or even in a greenhouse. It needn't be a big one, but one that can produce just enough apples so I could happily eat one every day. I'd also want oranges. I'll plant my own celery, potatoes and parsely so I could cook like Jamie Oliver and pick ingredients as I go. Oh! And I'll also grow pretty flowers- the edible ones :) Hopefully the budding scientists of the time will be able to come up with several species of plants so that there wouldn't be the need to plant crops at a certain time of year, i.e. you woulnd't need a particular climate/amount of sunshine etc.

I don't think I mentioned this yet LOL but I feel a need to say it. This is our last year of school and I wish everyone the best of luck. Savour every moment like it's your last because I guarantee that when you're in uni or wherever you may go, there'll be times when you just wish you'd be back in the common room or even in class with everyone. The atmosphere of this senior year will never be the same and I hope y'all enjoy every bit of it. Sure, there'll be ups and downs, but treat it as a kind of preparation for the emotions and journeys life has to offer.

Most of us will be 18 soon and when I was younger, i always imagined that at this time I'd be too grown up. Realistically, I'm nowhere near that. I feel that I'm still too immature to face the world out there and that I'm still a kid who needs her mum and most of all friends to get through the day. Hmm, I've probably taken a few things for granted too. I have a lot of growing up to do and I need to learn to appreciate the tools in life that I've been given. Don't we all?
See you at the end of the tunnel =)

The truth doesn't hurt

This is quite a disjointed post so bear with me :)
You may remember a post a few back when I said that I had a short fuse. I think my fuse has lengthened after about a month of trying :D

Oh, I've never understood why people go 'say happy birthday to your grandma for me' if you've never actually met them. I think I've said that sometimes before but now that I think about it, what was the point? It's another birthday wish from someone that you'll never really meet and I sort of doubt they'd care lol.
Also, I hate liars. I'm sure most people do. Hypothetically, say that you invited a few friends out to the movies and one person says 'nah sorry I cant make it, I don't want to watch that movie'. But in fact, they're going with another group of friends. Anyway you and your friends go and out of nowhere, you see that person who dogged your group to go with someone else, in the same cinema. Then there's the whole '..dude you said u didn't like it' etc followed by days of awkwardness.
In all honesty, I think people would rather be told 'im going with another group of friends that asked first- I'd go with you if you picked a different movie and at another time'. No one likes being lied to their face. And in cases like these, the truth doesn't hurt. Also, if you just DON'T want to go then say so. Being half-hearted with the 'maybes' and 'ill sees' doesnt get you anywhere. I don't think being open is bad and people like me won't get offended if you're straight.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Very True

Eye don't see it

Hello there!
I haven't posted in a while and yes I've been busy with school but I thought I'd take some time to lay my thoughts on what's been going on. I'm really happy with how school has started and I'm good with the teachers I have :) Recently, apart from watching just about every episode of Judge Judy on youtube, I've started watching make up gurus and their tutorials. I saw some eyeshadow tutorials and I noticed that in order to achieve many of their looks, they use copious amounts of product which I don't really see as necessary. And I'm talking about their use of actual expensive eye shadow as a frigging 'base' for other colours. So Ill do a little imitating of what the girl in the video showed me. Bear with the sarcasm.

Now the first thing I'm gonna do is take a bit of my Dior cleanser just to remove those oils already on my eyelids. Notice that I'm going in a circular motion, just dabbing from the bridge of my nose outwards to the corner of my eye. Then, as you can see I'm taking a dab of Neutrogena facial moisturising cream so that my lids are frigging damp with moisture so the powdered eyeshadow doesn't dry out my lovely eyelids. This next step is one you MUST MUST do in order to achieve a flawless look that'll last you the night, I'm gonna  take my MAC primer (the skin coloured foundation) and just blend. This will provide a blank canvas for the rest of the colours so they last the night. Now, I'm taking my MAC mineralize eyeshadow in 'BeDazzle' just to provide a very soft pink base for the other dark purple colours that'll really bring out my EYES OH WOOPEE. Now take a blending brush and as you can see I'm using Chanel's 'metallic purple' to just cover my whole damn eye which I will later pound on with black and gold and silver and end up looking like a panda.

You get the point. She starts off with a pink base and ends up with a black eye cos it 'brings out the warmth in black'.-O.O-  Okay, I didn't mean to be..sarcastic/mean or whatever, but its quite funny how make up gurus use so much product on their eyes and I don't really see how all the prep and bases and paints contribute to the final look. In fact, I'm probably wrong. It probably does give it a warmth, a warmth that I can't quite see. Actually, it's a wonder why they don't fall asleep cos their eyes are so loaded and heavy with so much stuff on the lids.


What is your current relationship status?
As single as square cheese can get.

Who sits next to you in english?
Rach, Chris, BAE-BE, Andrew chen sometimes

Who was your last text from and when?
Richard, about 5minutes ago?

Who last called you?
Father dear

Song you're listening to?
 Not listening to anything right now
Are you starting to realize anything?
 Yes, that theres quite a few people I need to be around more often
Do you believe in the saying what comes around goes around?
 Too much dear
What are you thinking about right now?
 I’m kinda scared of being in year 12
Who was last to see you cry?
 Umm, I don’t really cry in front of people..maybe David Ngo in year 10? HAHA
If you were given a paper and a pen, what would be the first thing you'd draw?
 My name J
How was last night?
 ALL too funny! Judge Judy is my latest addiction heehee
Do you think someone is thinking about you now?
 Hmm maybe..not sure actually
What do you look forward to in the next 5 months?
 Growing out my fringe yay!
Do you like the colour green?
 Eyes, oh yes. Generally I see it as an eye relaxer
Do you know anyone whos name starts with the letter J?

Are any of your texts in your inbox locked and why?

Do you believe people deserve second chances?
 Of course, cos it proves if they’ve learnt from their mistakes, or not ;)
Forgive but never forget?
 That’s one skill I need to work on, :/ I don’t know which is harder right now.
Do you have a best friend?
Theres a lot of them!
Do you think more about the past, present, or future?
Call me Phil (of the future haha)
Are you easy to get along with?
What is your favorite time of day?
 Morning- you can eat as much as you want LOL
Do you hate the last girl you had a conversation with?
 OH gosh no.. I don’t hate people
Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?
 I don’t hate people yo!
What was the highlight of your day?
 Watching motherfricking JUDGE JUDY WEEEEEEE
Can you honestly say that things are running smoothly for you?
 At this time of year, yes they are going quite as planned.
Have you ever thought about getting your lip pierced?
Nah I’m not into piercings. I wouldn’t mind a few on the ears but not the lip thanks.
What language would you like to master?
 Korean. You know how you’re walking down the street and they start conversing and it sounds friggen interesting cos their voice goes up and down before they start laughing? Yeah, I want to laugh with them LMAO. Also, I’d be able to tell my hairdresser properly what haircut I’d like…
What is the first thing you think in the morning?
Be honest, is there one person you wish you would have never met?
 Yes actually.. haha
How many keys are on your key chain?
I don’t use key chains.

What are you excited for?
Do you care what others think about you?
 I think everybody does , so yeah I do. I think a better question is whether you let them influence you haw haw ^^
Who is the first person you would call if you needed help?
 Depends what type of help I needed. POLICE YO.
How far away is the last person you kissed?
Who was the first person to break your heart?
 My heart is a strong organ LOLOL. Nah no one has.
Do you find the opposite sex confusing?
 All too..
Do you get distracted easily?
 See I was doing maths but then I found this quiz.
Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
 Yes =)
What are you supposed to be doing right now?
Do you have a friend you can tell stuff to and you're sure they won't tell?
Is there anyone that hates you right now?
 I hope not cos I haven’t done anything..
Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
Who did you last pinky promise with?
 I can’t remember. I tell things to people who understand that it’s something not to be spoken of with others.
Is there someone you wouldn't mind kissing right now?
Sorry, did you say Alex Pettyfer?

Do you believe in perfect?
I guess a lot of people say theres no such thing but Yeah I do believe in perfect. You’ll find it someday, trust me =)

Are there certain things that can't be joked about with you?
Not anything that I can think of atm. I laugh quite easily.
Do you know anyone that smokes pot?
 Uhh I don’t think so, well not directly knowing them.
Do you believe in karma?
What if you had a baby with the last person you texted?
Is your hair longer than your shoulders?
 Yes it is YAY
What if your ex runs up to you and hugs you?
Do you wish someone would call you?
Sort of
Status of you and the last person to call you?
A paternal bond
Did the last person you kissed have a tattoo?

Is the last person you kissed and the next person you'll kiss the same?
Has anyone disappointed you recently?
Does anyone like you?
 WHO DOESN’T LIKE ME ?! Haha if you mean love like then I wouldn’t have a clue.
Have you ever fallen for your ex's best friend?
Have you ever thought that you were going to marry the person you were with?
Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurt?
Have you ever made a boyfriend or girlfriend cry?
 Oh goodness me I think so
Are you happier single or in a relationship?
Don’t know that one. Life as a single slice of cheese is nice