Friday, October 28, 2011


Let me recount this pretty up and down week. School was kind of depressing as and it felt like there was nothing to live for. Oh the joys and its only week 3 of year freaking twelve. Anyway here's a summary of what happened. 
1) I found out that Biopol was used as 'moisture barrier films for hygeiene products'. LOL. And by that, I think they mean feminine hygiene products. Already I feel like my monthly cycle has been somewhat environmentally friendly. 
2) I took a Berocca today. You know those orange tablets that dissolve in water and are meant to ENERGISE your day? Yeah, they don't. It's all psychological. And it tastes like Sunkist.
3) I've been getting a lot of pimples on my forehead lately and I decided to drown my sorrows with 1.5L of water. Almost continuous drinking followed by almost continuous peeing HAHA. Basically, the Berocca bottle holds 250mL so after drinking and refilling, I made a tally of how many bottles I refilled :D
4) I woke up a bit late today for morning class and I couldnt find half my mufti clothes and I didn't have time to either. So guess what? I wore my school uniform which was hanging gracefully off my door. Honestly, it's the most comfortable thing I've ever worn. And my body temperature is brilliantly regulated. Usually, my outfit consists of shorts with some sort of shirt and a jacket. What happens is that my upper body overheats while my lower body freezes. I've tried doing jeans and the tshirt but I find my jeans are getting uncomfortable after 2 years hah. 
5) I was walking into the canteen to take a fork for my lovely salad and usually I'd leave my salad box on the bench but this time, there was VERY NICE chicken in it and I couldn't leave it by itself. So for the first time I took it into the canteen and after getting my fork, I walk straight out and get owned by Miss Annetts. To whom I did not back down and apologise profusely, rather stood up to her petty comments. She said "OKAY STOP RIGHT THERE! First of all, you're bringing food into the canteen which is breaking the rules. Now secondly, you have a fork in your hand. Forks are supposed to be used for canteen food only so that's stealing." Aiite so I'm not supposed to take food into the canteen. You can tell me off for that even though it was clearly in a box. But don't talk to me like I'm some four year old- its a fricking fork that probably costs 2c and I didn't bring a fork that day so I had to get one. Honestly, what canteen food uses forks anyway? ITS ONLY THE CHINESE FOOD, which, for the price they sell it for, should already come with forks. She repeatedly said the word stealing which annoyed me as heck so I ask her 'What do you want me to do with it now? Put it back? It's been in my mouth and I'm sure it's safer for me to take it than to infect the other 50 forks in there'. GAWSH it ruined my day. 
6) I walked into a pole while eating my salad. 

Yesterday night, I slept at 10.30. Ooft didnt that feel good. And I think i'm off to sleep now. Have a great weekend everyone! =)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


HELOOO Children! That's my new greeting line-so get used to it :) We're back at school now-everyone pumped for year 12? Today, the glorious rain fell, hard too. So the strenuous activity of balling the volley was cancelled and all of us fled the school scene like little asian ants. In physics today, I realised how much "The Pursuit of Happyness" has really screwed me up. Sort of. Firstly, that's not how you spell happyness, which I now realise, was the reason I had that exact spelling error in NAPLAN. It has confused me but now I know its actually HAPPINESS.

Yesterday, we ran interviews for the year 7's for 2012. Holly Molly! Can you believe that they're gonna be graduating in 2017? That year sounds very far off to me-cant quite grasp what we will be doing or even look like in that year. Anyway, I was looking at the walls of the conference room in Barrengarry House and saw David Cupples. The dude who went to ruse, was an 'entrepreneur' and who Mr Flood talked quite a mouthful about lol. Contrasting to Mr Flood's view of him, he seems quite a regular guy..hmm.

Since it was raining today, me, Helen, Eileen and Joy decided to head to strat to eat at Saigon Bowl. For the first time in my life, I had coconut juice 8D Apparently, the flesh is 'heaty' while the juice is cooling so I guess together in a drink, I've balanced it out quite well.
Note To Self:
1) Will drink 2 bottles of water at school from now on.
2) Will bring 3 plastic bottles to get my enviro bottle tomorrow.
3) Try to not let people's selfishness and rudeness annoy me.
4) Chill the heck out.

Bye for now children =)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fat Chances

LOL im on a roll. You know what I find awkward? When there's a random oil mark or food stain on the piece of paper you hand in to the teacher, or on a maths sheet that your friend has to borrow. What else can they think of you, but that you're a fatty that can't do work without eating? HAHA. And you know what else it says about you? It tells the person what type of food you eat. So if it's an oil stain, you were probably eating something oily and it sends the message that you're kind of a deep fried vending machine LOL (where's this line from?). If it's chocolate, probably means you were trying to make life a little sweeter by eating your feelings (okay sounds like Mean Girls eh?). And some people look at your phone's keyboard or your computer keyboard and the keys are black so the oil and food stains are obvious. So they probably picture you stuffing your face with chicken wings and pepsi typing away at the computer before falling asleep on the actual keyboard. And drooling all over it so there's a mini oil spill into the keyboard environment.

Let me get on the defensive for this. It happens all the time for me, well sorta. So I'd be having a meal at the dinner table before someone texts me with something EXTREMELY URGENT. At that point my hands may be slightly slimy because I've been careful to take OFF the fatty chicken skin, and I need to reply straight away. So I take the phone and send a 1 word text with a lot of exclamation marks or question marks and in the process, leave the slime stains on my phone. Those slime stains are not evidence of mc happy meals and KFC drumsticks, rather areas where urgency has left their mark. Yes, it is a sign of desperation, but its not what you think, it's not for food.

hello everybody!

There is something about groups that hang out after school around stations etc that freaking walk around like they're bosses. When you stare at them for the first time some give you the dirty or they just act like they own the place. Please, do grow the heck up. It really does get under my skin. You know, I'm not an easy person to defeat emotionally. I put up a fight. If they give me the dirty, I give them an even bigger dirty. Sometimes, if I really feel they are not worth my time, I too, walk like a bawss and not bother to make any further eye contact. 

It's been a crazy week with school being back and my body clock is still timed to holiday mode. Felt really dizzy/lightheaded today so I went to the canteen during english to buy a drink and there, I saw Mr Choy walking past. He came in and said 'after two periods of maths, you need a soft drink do you?' and politely I laughed and answered 'yes' but at the back of my mind, I thought 'it's quite draining'. LOL. I hope you got the pun right there. I love how I came up with that-genius right? It's sad when I cant actually say it out aloud haha. 

OBB was a blast and when I got home to sleep, my head was still swishing around in its pool of brain water, like a toy boat in a bathtub. What an awesome comparison I made there. Yeah I felt like i was still rocking on the cruise :L Everyone looked amazing and a big thanks to Monica for organising such a fun night :) I remember about 2nights before OBB I was freaking out because I thought my eyebrows were lopsided HAHA. No, seriously, they still are! And it's part of the reason why I kept my side fringe. My right eyebrow is nice, but I wish that it would stop growing so damn nicely and shapely, just so that it could give my left eyebrow time to catch up on its shapely-ness. Dammit uneven rates of growth :L  Oh well, I decided not to wax them and let them fill out. 

OH AND GUESS WHAT? I finally dropped extension english :D I spoke to Mrs Connors and she said that it wouldn't affect my atar at all, in fact it wasn't even counted towards my current atar. Goodbye to those 50 continuous hours of last minute essay writing, deleting, editing, deleting, sending and resending hehe. 

Had an epic game of volleyball today and my cheeks are sunburnt. So I went home and had a shower and used my mum's Dior anti wrinkle cream because the effects of the sun are disastrous on the skin. Premature ageing I shall defy. No, actually AGEING I shall defy. Lol speaking of ageing, my mum's receptionist isn't the youngest person, and today out of nowhere, she said 'happy birthday!'. I looked at her, slightly confused, and told her it wasn't my birthday, but she said 'yes but it was your birthday about a week ago wasn't it'. I said thankyou and told her it was four weeks ago before quickly leaving. LOL i think it's better to not say it at all rather than remind someone that you forgot their birthday which was ages ago. 

AND GIRLIES (and dudes), YOU SHOULD BE JEALOUS. FOR I GOT A MIRROR WITH LIGHTS! You know those glass mirrors you see backstage in shows, and they have heaps of lightbulbs glowing around them? I GOT ONE OF THOSE :D It's from Ikea. And hence, the Swedish are genius ! You know what, I reckon there should be an ikea housing complex. Somewhere near universities so that all us awesome smarties can live there. Seriously, think about how convenient it would be- you have your own little space-bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, study, wardrobe ^^ all in one tiny space and if you can't be bothered to cook, you can have a cheap Ikea breakfast. HOW GENIUS IS THAT? If you go to the Rhodes Ikea you'll find that everything fits in a tiny space and not to mention, the furniture is pretty cool. And you'd get like free pencils LOL. 

Alrighty ho, I'm off to watch 90210 now. Hope everyone has a great first week back-don't kill yourself too much, just ease into the term :)