Wednesday, October 26, 2011


HELOOO Children! That's my new greeting line-so get used to it :) We're back at school now-everyone pumped for year 12? Today, the glorious rain fell, hard too. So the strenuous activity of balling the volley was cancelled and all of us fled the school scene like little asian ants. In physics today, I realised how much "The Pursuit of Happyness" has really screwed me up. Sort of. Firstly, that's not how you spell happyness, which I now realise, was the reason I had that exact spelling error in NAPLAN. It has confused me but now I know its actually HAPPINESS.

Yesterday, we ran interviews for the year 7's for 2012. Holly Molly! Can you believe that they're gonna be graduating in 2017? That year sounds very far off to me-cant quite grasp what we will be doing or even look like in that year. Anyway, I was looking at the walls of the conference room in Barrengarry House and saw David Cupples. The dude who went to ruse, was an 'entrepreneur' and who Mr Flood talked quite a mouthful about lol. Contrasting to Mr Flood's view of him, he seems quite a regular guy..hmm.

Since it was raining today, me, Helen, Eileen and Joy decided to head to strat to eat at Saigon Bowl. For the first time in my life, I had coconut juice 8D Apparently, the flesh is 'heaty' while the juice is cooling so I guess together in a drink, I've balanced it out quite well.
Note To Self:
1) Will drink 2 bottles of water at school from now on.
2) Will bring 3 plastic bottles to get my enviro bottle tomorrow.
3) Try to not let people's selfishness and rudeness annoy me.
4) Chill the heck out.

Bye for now children =)

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