Thursday, September 23, 2010

believe it LJ

Today my dad told me about yit hei ( cantonese?) that thing about heaty foods. Ive never really believed in this asian stuff cos i thought it was just a bunch of crap, but this is an exception. I ate  a pack of twisties today and a few hours later i was getting all hot and burning up inside- it was like my head was going to explode. Woah it wasnt a good feeling. I compensated for all the heat by eating a lot of yogurt and soy milk which is the closest thing to cool foods in my house =p OMG I NEED ICECREAM ASKF!

Just wondering, does all that herbal, chinese medicine stuff ever work? Like i just never use chinese medicine or creams cos they smell and look weird and to me theres only belief, not science behind it.
Which brings me to another thing about belief: LOLOL who eats tomatoes whole? People, i know the taste is still the same but seriously its not an apple! Admit it annie,  Saj and I won this argument =D And i like my analogy : eating a tomato whole is like eating a fish whole YOU DONT DO IT. bahaha good argument for the sake of arguing =)

Just watched top model and the asian guy model is pretty cute but i feel sorry for him cos Lexie's foot had to be wrapped around his neck haha. And i hate the guys with shoulder length hair EWW he's like a lion. Glee was also awesome OMGSH MIKE CHANG D= and lolol i dont get why the new blonde guy is so good looking. Sure he's got the bieber hair cut but his face looks a bit screwed- to put it in a nice way.
argh world's strictest parents is annoying me and its sorta making me feel like i have the worlds strictest parents too =( honestly, theyre only strict in that they dont let them smoke, drink alcohol, swear profusely and have multiple body piercings. I'm sure my rents dont want me doing that either. Won't try to watch that show again. The only thing i learnt from the show is that: winners never quit and quitters never win.
have a great last day tomorrow everyone. til then
xoxo ellejai


  1. XD i used to get tomatoes whole before! it is annoying though because theres so much juice..cherry tomatoes are more convenient ;]

  2. Dude, just move your bed to the east side of your room. Then the feng shui will cool you down.

  3. But how do you know which is the east side? lol does it mean i have to sleep next to the scary window again?

  4. uh. east is like. either where the sun rises or sets. >__>
