Sunday, September 19, 2010


I noticed that a few convos such as the one below have been happening lately:
Person A: OMG you've done so well in your exam!
Person B: No i havent, i failed that. YOU did well!
Person A: No..YOU did like waay better than me!
Person B: SIF you probs came like first. you did so much better!
Anyway you get the point- one person compliments the other and that other denies doing well and its like a cyclic system. I realised that i really have no patience whatsoever for these types of convos. Like people, seriously is it not possible to just say thankyou and just MOVE ON?!

Feeling quite shit cos mum bought me two pairs of really expensive earrings and i didn't quite like them and i think she could tell D= I feel really ungrateful. Garh i think im really moody atm. And i hate it when you do something to take your mind off your troubles but when you stop doing that something, you just begin to dwell on your troubles again. How shit is that..

On a brighter note: thankyou to everyone who came today LOLOL ; STEP UP 3D was awesome!
Asian chick: I love your accent
American dude: No, i love your accent
Asian Chick: But i dont have an accent...
omg loved the special effects esp when it came out of the screen and when Harry Shum JR arrived OMG-ADOISDNOIFNOSDIF!!! AND SHARNI VINSON was from home and away and shes the main character on STEP UP 3D OMG-ODSINFOISDNFIOSDPN!!
what a babe
and omg i love MOOSE. HE REMINDS ME OF A TURTLE-FRANKLIN  i have no idea why.
DONT READ ON IF YOU DONT WANT STUFF SPOILT- but theyre not really spoilers.
some parts were a bit corny and when the two were drinking slushies(?) and the fan they were standing on blew all the slushy up ( in a very neat and beautiful way) it was cool but it seemed like all the slushy was blowing onto my face. i felt like rachel in glee =S
the chalk, water and lights were highly FANTASTICAL.
omg piranhas was so scary OMG THE HAND. im gona watch it again with people-too scary for myself. i wonder what happens in the end. anyway i was so curious about it:

The Red-bellied piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri) is a species of piranha. This species lives in the Amazon River Basin, coastal rivers of north-eastern Brazil, and the basin of the Paraguay, Paraná and Essequibo Rivers. The red-bellied piranha has the reputation for being one of the most ferocious freshwater fish in the world. They have a set of razor sharp teeth which are capable of stripping flesh from prey and dead animals. As their name suggests, they have a reddish tinge to the belly when fully grown, although juveniles are a silver colour with darker spots. They grow to a maximum length of 13 inches and a weight of 7.7lbs.
i dont think ill be eating fish for the next, say week. im now scared to take a shower.


  1. Don't worry too much about pirahnas! They only attack sick and injured animals... bad luck if you are sick or injured if you bump into them.. ^^;

