Sunday, August 7, 2011

Youtubing Adventures

Hiiiiiiiiiii :D Just clarifying - this is vaish. As in that other person on this blog ? :P . . who admiteddly hasn't blogged foreverrrrr. BUT, after being urged to blog post by more than one person, I decided to conjure up the stamina to blog!

But before I beginnn: Happy birthday Why-vonne, Sush :)

And would like to acknowledge the stupid people spooking me out with scary movies / youtube links at night, so every sound in the house was amplified a hundred fold D: YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. Fo
r anyone curry - if youve seen Chandramurkthi -  BLOODY HELL D: And that stupid Mv on the stupid guy in the bed who had a freaking scary face :( And the girl LEANT OVER to see who it was!  - I mean - if there is someone in your bed. Who is NOT your husband, since he just video called you. then. GET. OUT. OF. YOUR. BED.

Friiiiiiiiick I do not handle scary stuff well LOL :( love hate relationship, haha.
 if you highlight up this far - then you are :) Juuuust puttin' it out there :D Tell me who you are - love to know! :D SEIROUSLY.

BUT ANYWAYS - the below is a kind of a hol
iday blog post I made but never posted and have edited to include recent stuff :)

During the hols and lately I have become so fixated on YOUTUBE, the lovely lovely site full of wonderful procastinating stuff. I don't actually browse youtube that much so spent time watching all those links my little bro would link me to KevJumba, MyChonny, SupaWog, MrTeddy friiiiick you name it and I swear I've seen one show from it. LOL . And then found other amazing ones like the people who cover other songs on youtube - Christina Grimmie, Mike Thompson,Nick Petera, Disney Songs in general, Alex Goot (his cover of Adele is AMAZING) Chester See, Maddi Jane, Tiffany Alvord, Karmin Music, Tropfest, SYTYCD reruns, songs from different musicals, Harry Potter Films ( HAVE A WHOLE LIST OF GOOD ONES - youtube Marching On - Harry Potter - its so good! )The random video's Royce links me to LOL, MV's by singers / performers (way too many to list), tutorials for random things, Troll Video's (youtube: Never Say No To Panda, or even Duck Song if you can stand having that stupid, annoying trolly duck in your head for ever. :( ) . And a bunch of REALLY obscure bands, background music to movies, mashups of songs, fav movie scenes, dances. Acapella's on the net (have bunches of saved groups) but --> AHMIR - the most amazing vocal group ever!, random dance crew's (Jabberwockys, Pereotix, Quest, etc etc - again creds to my brotherrr ), contemporary stuff, WongFuProductions and all those, but MOST IMPORTANTLY:

The Jubilee Project
. And yes, sorry for the huge youtube rant, I went out on a tangent and rambled whatever I could remember and came up withhhh ^that mess, whiiich I will edit later. Or never :P 

BUT was originally going to blog about THIS video in particular (video below!) Nothing special - just something that made me think haha - OR maybe since I was in the mood to see something like this . . but its a real reality check. A good one! :) And I love love love the lady in the end - watching her smile and her response was so! Beyond words. Hope I can one day answer the question like her, the smile and all :)

50 people, 1 question.

Dont be lazy! :) Trust me, if youre going to watch it, click it and watch it big screen.

Typing in white is fast becoming far to generic for me to continue doing - but if youre one of the few who highlight and read this - remember no regrets! You're pretty cool if you find this though :) Wont be typing in white for a while - defeats the purpose when >5 people know its there. whiiich I just found out - they do! Apparently, its quite obvious. I never knew :(

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