Friday, January 20, 2012


So I finally changed the layout of my blog. I wanted to have a skin but I couldn't figure out how to put it on properly so I just used the blogger settings and reshuffled. I lost a few pictures I took today so I'm angry and would like to punch something. But instead I'll tell you something else.

I read Jeff's post on stereotypes, and yeah a lot of them are very true. Say, I was going to Burwood shopping centre yesterday and parked outside the centre. Now it's supposed to be front to kerb parking but we didn't know that (cos who reads the damn signs when theyre parking?) and parked the wrong way. We put half an hour in the parking meter and saw the ranger guy who gives out tickets to people.

My dad asked him how much it was etc as he didnt know how much it costed per hour (LOL those machines are hard to read), and he pointed out our car. The ranger was like 'oh yeah yeah okay half an hour whatever..', saw our car and walked away. After shopping we came back to find a parking ticket and the offence was 'front to kerb parking'. Now, we parked the car at about 4.55 and found that the ticket was issued at 5pm which means that the ass of a ranger saw our car and didnt bother telling us about parking the wrong way and fined us straight away.

Rangers have a stereotype of being complete asses. Truth is, they are! The ranger didn't bother to tell us about parking the wrong way instead fined us $88 on the spot. Freaking ass that guy. I was pretty much in hysterics when I heard and I wanted to hunt him down LOL. My dad drove around the block to 'get him' but he was probably hiding in the bushes. Ready to pounce on the next victim.

I know of a story that was in the newspapers a few years back but it stuck with me because I felt very angry about it. A man had just come out of the hospital and underwent surgery on his leg. He had a cut all the way from his groin to his calf and was on crutches. After he came out of hospital he went to his doctor to get a form to receive one of those disabled stickers that you stick on the window of your car so you can park in disabled parking. On the way to the RTA (or whatever you call it) to get one of these stickers, he stopped by the chemist to get medication and parked in a disabled area.

After he parked, bought his medication and returned to his car, a ranger confronted him and issued him on the spot with a fine for parking in the disabled area when he didnt have the sticker on his window. He explained his situation and said that he was on the way to getting the sticker, showing the elegibility letter from the doctor. Clearly, he was disabled and the disabled parking was there so he had enough room to get out of his car on crutches. The ranger still gave him the fine for not having the sticker.

In the end (if my memory serves correct), the fine was dismissed. I just don't understand how the ranger had no compassion or any level of humanity to issue this guy with the fine. He was clearly disabled and was eligible for the sticker and the ranger even saw him hobble back to his car on crutches before confronting him.

Them rangers are ready to pounce. Read the damn parking signs even though they pretty much blend into nothing. Man I do not like parking rangers. They'd make a fortune out of Eastwood.

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