Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What does it mean to be a good person?

You know what i like? How Yr 7 orientation is on tuesday = Yr 7's buy Ruse uniform = time to buy senior uniform! Is there a chance I can quickly nip away and buy mine when they get theirs? Or is it a bit rude? I had this dream last night where Edward Scissorhands, our school gardener died. I was very sad and I woke up half in tears. I need a nail clipper in my pencilcase. Oh Edward Scissorhands where are you when i need you! Bet you could give me perfectly shaped nails. HAHA today Brian's umbrella broke and I went high playing with it cos it was black and looked like a dementor and i said RIDICULUS! Then i went to the bathroom and laughed like moaning myrtle hehe. Oh i love the rain! Today my dad put my yogurt in the freezer cos he didnt know what it was

Ok time to change moods. This is more serious. 

There are some people that continually do charity work for most of their life because they feel the need to. Some of these people do it out of the good of their own heart. But a very small percentage, or i hope so, do it because it makes them feel better. Is that really what charity work is all about? I mean, sure, go for it if you think you're gonna feel good after it, but isnt the real meaning of charity work to help others? You see, some people do it because it makes up for the bad-ness within themselves, cos they've done something wrong.

Many people judge others for not doing charity work, or becoming fully involved. But to me, a good person is one that treats others fairly and with respect and knows right from wrong. Take religion. I hardly go to church. In fact i think the last time i went on my own will was Christmas. But I do pray each night and I know that God is always with me so don't give me the huge gasp or call me a sinner for not going to church regularly. You can still be a good person and not have to do the things deemed neccessary by everyone. You're not a sinner because you dont go to church. You're not a ignoramus for not doing charity work. If you're kind, loving and a believer, then you're good. Has anyone ever thought about it that way?
We do make mistakes here and there everyday, but God did create a certain species and it's called
'HUMAN'. Everybody is one.

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