Saturday, July 24, 2010

whats in a name?

helloooo (:

&welcome to the blog i guess? :S

well, since LJ's decided to start off with a 'name' post I guess I will too:)

SoHeresARandom Fact: I will immediatly like you if you say my name correctly on the first go, and if you know how to spell my full name. (: The first one's obviously fluke, since there are a billion ways of pronouncing it, but the second one well. . I appreciate that someone took the time to know how to spell it correctly? I commend you for your efforts ^^. EXPECIALLY since its been spelt vaish-ee (maitra), varshni (mckenzie) vashney (doyle) and a BILLION others.I could go on. Seriously:/

I like my name becauseeeeee, its (relatively) unique. (: Though, it IS kind of ironic that there are Vaisnnavi's/Vaishnaivy's in our grade then, lets say Jeffs, Jenny's or Crystals. i mean, WHAT ARE THE CHANCES O:

But yeah.

Negatives of course include sitting ICAS every year, and having the whole room turn their head simultaneously, when the teacher asks the class if you're ''done filling out your form''. :(

my name is Vaishnaivy Mahendravarman. Its about double your whole name, you jealous ? :P Its a mouthful to say, and i respect people who can REMEMBER my whole name, let alone say it. (o:

and if you can spell it? You're insane, and i love you. (:

happy weekends (:



  1. if i read this before assembly totally wouldve said vashney =)

  2. oh my gosh, BWEET. D:
    oh, the days of year 7 :P
