Friday, March 23, 2012


So exams have finished and Ive spent the whole night watching transformers, online shopping, curling my hair painting my nails talking to mummy etc. I noticed all the wonderful coats online with pictures of models standing in snow storms looking all glam with them furry hoods. I do think they look pretty but I dont think its quite cold enough..LOL global warming is happing my designer friends.
I have recently discovered the wonders of chicken nuggets. Who knew they could taste so damn good? The crispy out edges followed by the tender moist succulent (wow they all mean the same thing almost) inside is "intoxicating" to the senses. I really like that word after reading Jeff's post haha.  Hmm I just realised, every time I ate Mc Donalds chicken nuggets I always thought of sea horses because i thought they just looked so much like them. Am I the only one? As I was eating it, I thought to myself in my own childish brain, now I am eating the head, now it's bum and now..I'm onto the next seahorse HAHHAHA

I have decided to temporarily move out of my study room just cos its looks atrocious right now. And I left the exam timetable on my dads study desk and he hasn't been there for a fact it's been so long that a frigging bug died on top of it. Now I can't do my usual exam tradition and rip the timetable up because I'd have to watch the pretty dried out exoskeleton slide off it. Yucky.
Ill post properly some other time. But for now enjoy the post exam period for those who are done! ;)


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