Monday, August 30, 2010

artificial intelligence?

i have been thinking about why people think cheating/ being morally corrupt IS accepted as bad or INHUMANE. inhumane(adj.) - not human in character or nature.  i hope my answer satisfies you. but first you must know some background information.
aim: to prove being morally corrupt is inhumane.

do you ever wonder really how smart humans are? if you think about it, most other animals have developed social hierarchy and the basic emotions and hunting techniques but we humans have developed technology, discovered science and understand reasoning.  the proof? well we are the top of the 'universe pyramid' and by that i mean WE are in control of all the animals- the animals don't control us. WE hunt animals. WE have learnt how THEY survive . AND most of all, we have learnt HOW to care for them which is very compassionate if you ask me. Humans are so smart that we have developed freaking subjects to study and careers. we ask WHY do you need this when really, all you need is to survive?


I realise and hopefully so do you, that all this is the result of intelligent human beings. Food for thought; what if it were the reverse- like if animals controlled us, then what would happen?

and just on a slightly mean note, i have seen the ad on channel 7 about cheating in national testing.
to all those cheaters out there, WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU NEED TO CHEAT IN NAPLAN? i mean you've got to be a COMPLETE NUTHEAD to have to cheat in basic skills. so if you are intelligent hence HUMAN, you would not need to cheat. hence by contradiction, it is INHUMANE.



    But logically, it must be hard for at least half the state. Or else why would the government bother to make a test so damn easy to "test" people, if everyone's just gna ace it like we do?

  2. why is this structured out like a math enrichment geometry proof?

  3. haha what was horrible? cheating or my mean moment at the end? or just the maths proof structure?
    and im not sure- it just sounded cool making it like a geometry proof.
    it is good to rage :D

  4. it was working.. then it just exploded into a load of crap at the end XD
