Friday, October 29, 2010

If theres one thing to memorise it's memories

You know that saying -you have to go backwards to go forwards? It really got me thinking about its meaning.

Dearest You,
Sure, it sounds corny to say that we are so close yet so distant, but in this case, it really does apply. I don't know how this happened but you just always talk about things I'm really not interested in and trust me, it's not that I haven't tried. I have gone all out trying to involve you in things i'm interested in and you just brush it aside and honestly, keep interrupting me.

We're on two different planets yet live in the same city and I can go a whole afternoon not talking to you which is ages in girl years. Why do you have to dump all your problems on me? I'm not and never will be your punching bag nor counsellor, and you need to accept that.
You know what I find most difficult? It's how at times, I don't see you for months on end. I do miss your presence.But when you are with me, you feed me things- material things thinking that it somehow makes up for the disconnection but in actual fact, makes me feel guilty for not treating you as a person whom i truly love. So that's how we're both losing. Your possessions. My heart.

So, about that saying; I'm not sure it applies to our situation. We both wish to go back and pick up where we left off but we're so different and neither of us are willing to change so much. We've reached that inevitable point where we have to accept that the spark isn't there any more. Changing your heart is just too damn difficult. 
All relationships must grow, right? When I was young, we used to be so close and to be honest, I'm not sure who it was that grew older but I know one thing that did grow.
The distance between            you                                                                                    me.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lj! This is a such a deep post, and such beautifully writen. I love your blog, keep writing :)
