Tuesday, October 19, 2010

In only human

Do you know what i have respect for? People that dont give a stuff about what others think of them.It suddenly hit me because they sure are intelligent- i mean if you think about it, what others see as your weakness or weirdness isnt really your problem. It is someone elses' problem they have with you. It reminded me of a time many years ago when this girl had issues with me...and in fact with a lot of other people. And one day she just went around calling people weird and giving them crap about themselves. And being the rebellious girl i was back then i went up to her and said something along the lines of:
"Look if you think everyone else is weird then YOU'RE actually the one that's weird."
 It makes sense...doesn't it?

During these past few days of cramming, i learnt that the UN isn't a country. I thought it was another name for America.My logic was that Britain = UK so UN must be America. And during history study, my mind kept on drifting and i still dont know the answer to: How do Aboriginals sleep?
oh yeah and about quidditch:

Hey-whats the best way to end a conversation with a telecommunicator without being rude? I figured out a few possibilities:
1) Hang up
2) Put the phone down and walk away leaving them to talk to themselves
3) Keep yourself only listening to see how long they take to realise theyre talking to themselves
4) Pretend you're the cleaner
5) Just say 'im not interested'.
The majority of the time i just hang up. Next time im gonna make noises- as if theres a disconnection, then go 'i cant hear you!' before hanging up. =D

The other night i was doing a math paper. I was sitting in my dad's study room cos my room's too messy to do work and i ceebs cleaning. I got up to get my red pen from my room to rule my margins but when i came back, they were already ruled. Not just one page,  four. How does this happen?

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