Monday, October 25, 2010

Theory of Saying Sorry

Today in science, my mind drifted off for about 10 minutes and I kept thinking about existence. I hate it how sometimes you wonder WTH you are doing existing. Like you're thinking what the heck am I doing? Why am I here? And all of a sudden you feel self-conscious that you might just be doing something stupid..I hope at least one person feels like this sometimes.

Wow don't you just hate it when you bash into someone and you're the one who says sorry but really its not your fault? I bashed into this girl in the changeroom today and she fulli tabouli knocked my sushi outta my hand and I instinctively said sorry and she just stared at me like im some kinda weirdo. AFNOINSDSFINO! I remember last time i banged into this girl carrying a crapload of books in the changeroom and all her books fell down and I said sorry and she just gave me the dirtiest look ever. However i did help her pick up all her books. Next time i swear I'm gonna pick em all up and drop them all down again. I hate these kinda people. And it wasn't my fault- I didnt bang into her! It was a MUTUAL BANG for bloody sake. Gosh why couldn't it have been a guy at the very least..would have been much more romantic...haha.

Highlight of the day: When Michael Na tried jumping on a drama block to scare kevin yu and he landed on it, sat on it for half a second before falling off backwards BAHAHA. Also we got our wonderful formal tickets which smelt very naice and I loved the owl post.
Watching harry potter 1 now and its pretty funny. And the quidditch keeper dude is hot hehe.

Now, I need a machine that can create what I am thinking.
Goodnight xoxo ellejai


  1. dude... how awkward if you bang into a GUY in the changeroom/bathroom.
    and OLIVER WOOD IS SO HOT. and i love how harry thought wood was like a stick or something. im gonna go stalk the actor now.

    xx Lisa

  2. lol
