Friday, September 9, 2011


Okay I need to go to ikea. I need new furniture. I need lanterns to literally light up my life. And I realise that I lack pencils-that one I used for exams was my last. I need to restock and ikea provides for that. I also want to eat a meal that satisfies my stomach for under $5. And I hear ikea has $3 breakfasts. Oh you sweedish delight.

You know what else I want? A northern ireland accent. I need one nao.

Ahh so today was an awesome day full of surprises, like getting a gold award at assembly LOL I couldn't even remember what that was for until I realised that last year I actually got a distinction award, but I handed it in too late so now they give me gold. MEH I don't mind that cos I reckon Gold sounds better than Distinction. Distinction sounds like 'participation' like you know in those ICAS comps? Apparently theres a 'good effort/ merit' award that's below participation. Yeah sounds like that. Gold ftw :D
Well now that X factor is on, I wont deny spending hours watching the crazy and totally awesome auditions on youtube! Aiite for those of you that watch X factor Australia, you know the group "Upfront"? (go to the 3rd minute) They're the twins dressed in Britney outfits. I know theres a lot of mixed opinions of them but I almost died when they got through the first round. JSOIDFJIOS :DJFOISDJFISDJ THEYRE OUTRAGEOUS!!!  I WANTED TO CHUCK MY REMOTE AT THE TV SCREEN! They can't sing FOR CRAP O.O Ronan-you just like them for entertainment value but seriously, open your ears: THEY CANT SING.

Remember in Glee- the episode called Grilled Cheesus? When Finn made a grilled cheese sandwich and the toast burnt a pattern of Jesus' face on the bread? Well yesterday I was taking a shower and I washed my hair so there was heaps of that white bubbly lather stuff on it. I bent over to clean my feet and my hair brushed against the glass and when I looked up I swear to Jesus, I saw a mere pattern of a ghost looking face. I'd like to think it wasn't Jesus that was on the glass, so in my state of panic, I started chucking heaps of water to wipe the face off. Yeah that was quite an interesting experience.

To my dearest buffoms HAPPY BIRTHDAY :D
Enjoy the weekends :)

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