Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My Day

Alright, I'll tell you some things about myself but please dont judge me: I take 45minutes to get up in the morning. Wait, no not get up, 45mins starting from the time I get out of bed to the time I leave the house. I take my time to clean my retainers, floss my teeth, watch the Hollywood Gossip bulletin with Richard Reid or Michelle Mahone, fix up my fringe so it doesnt pierce my eyeballs everytime I look down and adjust my uniform so that the weird flappy kilt bit doesnt keep touching the sides of my legs every time I walk-because let's face it, it's these little things that build up during the day and keep annoying you and make your day feel that little bit awful. Also, I will stop curling my hair because it makes my neck itchy.

Okay another thing about me and dinner- I hate eating rice. I really hate it. There's nothing to eat it with and I usually manage to have a third of a bowl of rice..or half if ur lucky. Everytime I put some in my mouth I feel like a fat carb machine consuming a huge load of starch that's gonna build up in my stomach and in the words of Suraj 'go straight to ur thighs'. Give me meat and I'll be a happy girl :)

I hate fish. I really do. I had 10 a month ago and now I have 4. My mum took them out of the fish tank and put them in a tub on the floor (oh that rhymes). The thing I hate about fish is how slimy they are and how they randomly spazz and flap and flip and flop. Once I walked into the room only to find a huge fish on the floor. Dead, of course. And I don't like the way they go all spastic every time you catch them in a net to transfer them out of the tank. Yuck I hate fish.

Went to have waffles and icecream this arvo in Eastwood-frigging expensive waffles but GUESS WHAT - THEY CAME WITH BANANA. LIKE REAL BANANA :D made my day. It was in the cutest cafe I've ever been to- Cafe Bom-yah I know its a weird name but I felt like Alice in the midst of a tea party hehe.  Speaking of bananas, I bought a 'Banana buzz' from boost juice and that's gotta be one of the most disgusting drinks I've ever had. Don't get it.

TV shows come out tomorrow and I am quite the excited. Tomorrow is Cabaret Night-so hope everyone comes along. Also congrats to all the people who won awards at assembly today :) OH GOSH I really dont think my life is worth blogging about anymore = / GNITE y'all

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