Friday, September 16, 2011

So you think you know me...

Five ways to win your heart
1) Swagger
2) Know when to talk and when to listen
3) Humour
4) Be full of surprises!
5) Buy me a treadmill :D  (okay not really)
Something you feel strongly about
At the moment, I hate engerish. It makes me angerish because it’s so full of ruberish.
A book you love
Alex Rider-oh boy didn’t you keep my heart alive in my tweens
Bullet your whole day
-       got up to mumma shouting
-       felt my forehead which has a lot a pimples right now :S
-       cleaned the whiteboard for mr choy
-       got my school photo and stared at it for a very long time. Do you ever get that thought where you go ‘SRSLY?! I!’
-       pumped some 2kg of iron on the field while watching soccer
-       got trolled by david ngo in year 10
-       found out that my mum knows saj’s mum HAHA SMALL WORLD
Your views on mainstream music
I like mainstream music a lot, probably because I’ve been exposed to it quite often and I’ve tried the non-mainstream stuff and to be honest, I understand why it doesn’t come up on the billboard top 100. It’s stuff I can dance to and by happy to shout it on the school bus with everyone. Not to say non-mainstream is bad though.
Five pet peeves
1) When you’re reading something and someone takes it away from you for themselves to read. They don’t just tilt it to look at it, rather fully snatch it out of your view because they think their eyes are more important.
2) People shaking their leg, especially in exams and you see it out of the corner of your eye.
3) When someone talks about something completely different from what you just said.
4) Liars
5) Boys that are too proud
How important you think education is
HAHA this reminds me of that Miss Universe comp where the girl was asked why a third of America cant read maps and she goes ‘they don’t have maps’ :L
Put your music player on shuffle and write the first ten songs that play
Its probably gonna be:
1) Lighters-bruno maaars
2) Castle Walls-T.I
3) Last Friday Night-Katy Perry
4) New Heights-Peaches
5) Super Bass-Nicki Minaj
6) Walls come down- keke palmer
7) Written in the stars
8) When will my life begin
9) Cheers Drink to that-rihanna
10) Till the World Ends –britney HAHA
Your family
Mamma, Daddda, 3 brothers, 1 sister
Five guys whom you find attractive
1) 90210 LIAM
2) Boo Boo Stewart
4) Alex Pettyfer
5) Richard Gasquet LOOOOL omgsh that was embarassing
Your opinion on your body and how comfortable you are with it
You wanna truly make me happy? Buy me a treadmill J
What you wore today
Your zodiac/horoscope and if it fits your personality
Virgo- apparently we’re perfectionists, clean freaks and stresser-outerers. Yeah suits me quite well, unfortunately.
Something you always think "what if..." about
What if I stayed in a private school. What kind of friends would I have? Would I still be scared of boys? :L In year 7 when I moved to Ruse a guy sat next to me for the very first lesson and I thought to myself, ‘What the heck am I supposed to do?’ HAHA I was pretty much like ‘oh crap a dude sat next to me..’ I think that was French class and seats were in alphabetical order. I think we all know who this is now LOL. But I am no longer scared of you, just saying!
Something that you're proud of
Making zone cross country in year 9 :D
A problem that you have had
I need to stop buying earrings and necklaces and frigging headbands. Also, I think I should control my eyes when I talk, I realize they go spastic.
Five items you lust after
1) A treadmill.
2) That Manhattan apartment where I can put my bed in the middle of the loungeroom. Yes, no sharing of apartments with me I guess!
3) New furniture from ikea. OH I want lanterns!
4) the coolest bathroom in town.
5) Cross trainer
Your fears
Losing people. And sitting through yr 12 farewell assembly. HOLLY MOLLY I THINK IM TEARING UP.
How you hope your future will be like
Honestly, all I want is to be happy, and just sort of, famous :D I want to be able to do a huge range of things- work in something I love during the day time, and by each night of the week, have a different job hehe. I want to be able to go overseas for ‘business trips’ and acquire an irish accent.

Your academics
I don’t get what I’m supposed to say here but ive been to 3 schools- one catholic, one private, one public. A good mixture of the education systems NSW has to offer J
Something that you miss
-       I miss lying on the farm with my ag class, leaning against a bale of hay, soaking up the sun. watching miss hameed help us with weeding HAHA.
-       Going over to friends houses to ‘play’. I don’t think that really works anymore ahha.
-       Being a superfish ie swimming L  
Five words/phrase that makes you laugh
Haters gon’ hate, potatoes gon’ potate
Something you're currently worried about
Year 12 farewell may make my tear ducts overflow
Things you like and dislike about yourself
I like how im quite honest about things and I wouldn’t go around saying ‘oh that looks so pretty’ if I didn’t think it did. But I wouldn’t go out of my way to say something didn’t look that great. I think I also say hello to most people haha. I don’t like how im not the best person to talk to when things stuff up for me.
A quote you try to live by
Haters gon’ hate, potatoes gon’ …potate?
Somewhere you'd like to move to or visit
I frigging hate these questions so I’m not gonna answer it.
Five weird things that you like
-       headbands
-       cereal after dinner
-       up and go
-       salads

One thing you're excited for
Tuesday- its yr 12 luncheon and I’m going to Macquarie bank later that night for a finance talk :P 

xoxo ellejai

1 comment:

  1. Something you feel strongly about
    At the moment, I hate engerish. It makes me angerish because it’s so full of ruberish.
    A book you love
    Alex Rider-oh boy didn’t you keep my heart alive in my tweens

