Saturday, December 25, 2010

Tongue Twister

Firstly Merry Christmas to everyone! Well on Friday I thought of having lunch with daddy so we ate Shang Food in eastwood OMGOMG why is there no CHICKEN? Do shang's not eat chicken or something? Newais they had these really nice pork buns and when you chew into them all this water comes out ^^ Somebody, come with me to go eat there in the new year! Anyway, since im really poor now due to not being paid, I've decided to sell my old uniforms back to my old schools! Thats IF they give me the money back-or else ill look for someone who's going MLC next year. Private schools have WAY too many uniforms. Im also gona give back one ruse junior dress cos I hardly wore it - due to it being too big and sack-y. So i cleaned out my closet and I'm gona sell some stuff on ebay..they have a 2nd hand section right?

We had a Christmas celebration yesterday OMG you know what happened? Ok i bought myself a 2011 kikki k diary - 1 for myself to use and 1 for my cousin. Then at gift opening time, she buys ME the same thing and i give her the same thing so now i have 2 of the same diaries! Gona give it back and see if i can get something else in exchange..what a coincidence. Ahh ate soo much- and i love that white christmas stuff.Ok so u know how i had braces right-well i thought my teeth still looked crooked and i asked my cousin whos a dentist and apparnetly, if your lips are crooked or uneven, then so will your teeth! Basically your teeth follow the shape of your lips so if you have wonky lips, expect your teeth to be.

The other day, i was watching HIMYM and they were talking about urination. So my dad asks me what that is and he didn't quite say urination properly and it came out something like 'ya-ra-nation'. And i tried to teach him how to say it, so then i had to say urination like a billion times and it became sort of a tongue twister for me. Soon enough, I began to shout it cos it was so frustrating and i went
'UR AN ASIAN!!!!' Then I gave up and explained in chinese.

I also painted this painting cos i felt bored. Hope you like it =)

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