Sunday, July 3, 2011


Part I
So last night on the spur of the moment, I decided to go watch a movie at burwood today with rach, alex, chris and richard. See thats how I roll. I usually never plan my playdates :D  By the way, today is the first day in a term where I could actually sleep as late as I wanted, knowing that the next day I could wake up at a time later than 7.45am. A beautiful guilt-free sleep. Woke up and slowly, slowly crawled out of bed to get down to eastwood to catch my train but guess didnt come. Gosh dont you hate it when trains dont come? Or when theres an awkward silence when you run up past all the ambling people up the stairs onto the platform only to find the train comes in FIFTEEN MINUTES? Cityrail, please send in your trains to avoid any more embarassing moments. Ate pad thai and spring rolls and curry puffs for lunch, followed by Transformerzzzz 3D. It was $19.50 :( OK REVELATION TIME: I have never watched a transformers movie before. But I must say, good humour, good movie.

Part II: 
I realise something tonight. So i'm on the computer, on msn, facebok, blogging and I see my chem book beside me. And I think to myself, Oh ill do some chem while I'm on the computer. It's the whole psychology of doing work but not doing work. It's been there for 2 hours, unopened. But then I thought about it-its not yet the first day of holidays so don't swarm yourself with the thoughts of having to do work. So I'm going to do whatever I want tonight. Guilt free.

My Choy gave us a stack of sheets to do for maths and I actually plan to do every single one of the thousand or so questions. What constantly amazes me about him is his inability to finish his words. I'm not sure if anyone else notices that, but if there's supposed to be a plural he just stops at the end of the word.
OH guess what? I bought a dress today! A long sleeve dress from Bardot that was $80 and came down to $30. It's long sleeve, grey and has a big black ribbon on it :) It was so weird because I picked a few clothing items (not the dress) to try on and walked into a changeroom. But then the changeroom didn't close so I walked out and into another one. It was at that point that I noticed the dress out of the corner of my eye, and quickly grabbed it to try on. It's ironic that I ended up buying this dress I didn't initially intend on buying and giving back all the other clothes.

I was watching a random movie on tv just then and I see a man shouting at a child. The child doesn't respond to the first 'shout' because he's too scared but then the man shouts even louder so that the child will answer. Okay I know this is massive trolling but it may just work if you had the guts to do it.
If you could take a man shouting like right in your face, why don't you just keep refusing to answer? I mean there's only a certain volume the guy can shout but the number of times you can refuse to answer is endless. And of course there's the law on your side with no physical abuse and stuff, but I mean WHY NOT?

So you know how I hate sea-food right. Well I think I've discovered what makes me so iffy about it, apart from the taste. It's the actual animals itself. Take my biggest hatred of all time-prawns. I see someone eating a deep fried prawn and the red tail thingy just sticks out of their mouth hovering around in my face. YUCK! Another example, oysters. After doing the assignment in ag on oysters last year, I figured that if you eat one out of a shell, just raw, you're basically eating a live animal. So basically part of it may still be squirming around in your stomach or mouth trying to blob itself back together and you would feel this chunky slime squirming in your digestive system. And fish- I like fish, but I hate the thought of eating a scale by accident and having it stuck on the roof of my mouth where it's impossible to scrape off. Overall, I find seafood just too hand-picky. As in you have to use your hands too much just to eat a tiny bit of meat. Why can't it be as simple as chicken where you just eat the whole bird? Theres no scales, shells, eyes/heads, flippers, tails, fins or pincers and of course no hidden bones to choke on. Ok. End of seafood rage.


  1. but chickens have feathers, eyes, heads, beaks, bones, ovaries and not to mention TOENAILSSS

  2. HAHA I know but when you eat it you dont have to fiddle with anything or peel anything off ^^ and also when you buy chicken, it doesn't come with the feathers or head or toenails
