Friday, July 22, 2011


YAYERS sport was cancelled due to the lovely rain and so Chris, Will, Rach and I headed down to Table Eight Yum Cha in Market City to eat lunch! Now I haven't been yum-cha in about 1.5years so the rush of trolleys packed with delicious foods was a bit of a whir. Now I keep wondering about why is it that asians are the ones that eat every single part of the animal? Is it because throwing away a part of an animal would be considered wastage? Mind you, that actually fits quite well with the whole cheap asian image but then I thought is it because every part of the animal is actually nice? I'm not a big fan of the weirder parts of animals myself but I decided to try some cow tendon and found it was actually quite tasty. I think I may have eaten a very small part of a cow lung..which wasn't as nice and the texture made my mouth feel icky. Nevertheless I had a fantabulous time eating bbq pork buns, beef rice paper rolls, fried taro buns and a scallop dumpling.

I had another weird mood episode on Thursday when I found out something about a test and how I betrayed my own trust and put the answer 'everyone else' put down when my answer was actually correct. I went quite the spasmodical and I don't think I could stop talking for a long time. The rain is making me happy because waking up to that soothing sound reminds me of a warm, comforting hug. Okay I got no idea how that relates :P  Onto a controversial topic this week: Daani Saunders, the girl from Crestwood, who took her own life. She had 1700 friends on facebook but was cyber bullied and sadly, she's still being hated on even after her death.  I'm not trying to say that people with a glorious amount of 'friends' don't really know them or anything but to an extent, it goes to show it's quality over quantity =) Someone a while ago came up to me asking how many friends I had on that social network and when it had been revealed I had several hundred less than them, they gave me the O.o look and said 'only?'. I honestly don't give a stuff about how many friends I have on that site.

And yet another food for thought question. Hypothetical situation. A guy has been dating a girl throughout high school and they see each other say once a week (because they go to different schools). They last throughout year 11 and 12. When it comes to uni, he chooses to study Dentistry in Adelaide while she has been accepted into a course at UNSW. She wants to break up because the long-distance relationship wouldn't work for her and thinks she has waited long enough to finally come to the stage where they can see each other almost everyday. He says, they've been doing the 'long-distance' for two years now and still wants to keep it going while they're in two separate states. Which argument is more valid?

OH I cracked up today when Chris said that his mum gave him a nutella and walnut sandwhich. And to that I said, 'THATS COMPLETELY NUTS!!"
Now doesn't the picture below just remind you of a certain thing called the english half yearly?

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