Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Savour over Saver

Today my morning was looking pretty dismal- I mean it was cold and Sunrise had nothing interesting on. I thought about Chuck Bass all of a sudden because I just started watching Gossip Girl and I'm loving him at the moment, so I decided to wear a scarf to school-just as he always does. When I got in the car, that's when a bit of life suddenly came back to me.
Dad: Hey look at that number plate. 126.GMI. (He pointed to the car in front of us) 
LJ: Yeah, what's so good about it?
Dad: He's got his name on his car. 
Dad: G.M.I - doesn't that say Jimmy?

Anyways I figured this thing out today- when you have something you don't want to use or think 'there's gonna be a time where I'll need this more than ever and if I use it now, I'll be crapping myself later', well FREAKING USE THAT WHATEVER IT IS! Ill take a more classic example from my childhood. I used to collect these stickers right, lots and lots of em ( especially pokemon stickers) and  I've hoarded so many sheets of them that they now fill a whole case. I found them just today and I mean, what 's the point, I've lost interest in pokemon stickers. They're of little use to me now.

Now with those caps stickers- I first took them in year 9 ( YES I WAS OLD!) and I thought I'd need this when im fifty to look back at all the memories but I've kept them in a frame and they've started to fade. So you know what I did? I took the prettiest one which was not faded and stuck it on my calculator. I know that by sticking it there, it's gonna fade even quicker but I stare at my calculator much more than the frame, and I'd rather savour over saver.

OMG yesterday when I was getting ready for the carnival, I randomly found another Pikachu. HOLY SHAMOLY! This other one is smaller and only a soft toy, but if the batteries didn't leak, and you squeezed pikachu's hand he'd say PIKACHUUUUUUU!!! AND HIS CHEEKS WOULD LIGHT UP RED!!!!!
Got this in the year meeting today. The Awkward moment when this happens:

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