Monday, January 31, 2011


I mentioned previously how I had Tennis Fever right, right? Well I went to play tennis on the weekend as I was getting into the mood of Men's Finals. WHICH SUCKED. HEAPS. Poor Andy, I could tell you were sniffling behind that rigid face of yours and Djokovic, I realise, you have fangs. Your mouth opened so wide that I saw those two vampire fangs stick out. And now, I actually don't hate you that much. Many would disagree with me on this, but you're kinda cool :D Peer Support was pretty cool except one kid with one of those common names accidentally went to another group. BUT we got him back :D Don't you love it when your group converses like theyre friends already and laugh together? I love my little kiddies! The boys were a bit quiet but them seem funny in a stoned kind of way haha.

Speaking of vampires, we had to order all those ages in poetry for english today and we realised all the 'times' related to characters names in Twilight. Like Edwardian= edward. Victorian = victoria. Jacobian= Jacob. How co-incidental ^^ And Miss Murphy is friggen awesome. So is the airconditioned classroom =) OHOH I bought my senior skirt- its a bit big but I'm wearing it lower on my hips cos I'm sick of skirts that ride up especially in summer.

Now you've probably heard about science vs belief and if I'm correct then it would be like antibiotics vs asian herbs or something like that. Different people say one of them work and the other doesn't but if you think about it, science is based on many conclusions drawn centuries ago and if technology wasn't as awesome as it is today, who's to say that it was so accurate? And if you think harder, doesn't that mean science is a belief? And those so called beliefs; if they work on whatever you're trying to cure, then who's to say its not science? Mind boggling...

Chinese New Year is on our doorstep and I believe it will be the year of the BUNNY! So to my chinese people, happy new year and hope y'all get your red packets!
OH and remember how last year CNY was on Australia Day? So when people asked me 'what did you do for Australia Day?' I said, 'I celebrated Chinese New Year' LOLOLOLOL


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