Sunday, June 26, 2011

The hype of A school photo

SO my mum comes home last week sunday and says 'LJ I HAVE A PRESENT FOR YOU!'. Naturally, I react by jumping out of my chair, thinking hey she may have brought me a pair of earrings of something, but no, in her very hands, is a banker's lamp.
It looks exactly like that.

Okay so school photos are on tomorrow and tuesday. And apparently, if you dont like the photo you can always just refun it. OMG THATS LIKE 5X30 bucks!!!!!! Well I was always one of those people that had to buy a school photo because I thought it documented my high school life. And besides, i've always been wanting to be one of those people with a dramatic difference in looks from yr 7-12. I wanted to have a cute baby face, then in year 12 be mature but prettier and of course, still cute. But comparing them just then, I look pretty much the same but the hair is different. And my teeth are straighter-yet still not perfect. OH THE INADEQUACY! No- I actually think I look better now than I did in year 7. Im happy with the way I look. And in year 9 I'll admit I thought IMA LOOK AWESOME FOR PHOTOS THIS YEAR! So guess what? I ordered a B pack. Yeah thats right with one HUGE photo of myself and about a bijillion other tiny ones too. AND THE PHOTO TURNED OUT HORRIBLE. In fact, they're all still in the plastic bag they gave it in.

In year 8- as vaish will remember, I went to the bathrooms in the hall. We spent about 15mins in there practising our smiles, putting on lip gloss OH THE HYPE OF SCHOOL PHOTOS! But that year, my photo turned out best and I keep my year 8 school card in my wallet-not the year 9 or 10 one. This year I wont spend 15mins in there. Maybe 5 ^^ I want it to be more natural this year. It's different cos I dont have braces anymore :D So ima just smile when the camera says so-no forced posing no nothing. It's gonna be the real me.

1 comment:

  1. LJ i love how your mum always buys you stuff and it turns out to be a let down, like the cheese and crackers :L
