Saturday, April 23, 2011


I'm on the quest to becoming a superhero, as many of you will know. And BTW this is all quite fictional but I'd like to think some of these fast thinking skills will be acquired soon enough..though my methods are quite unrealistic. I NEED SUPERPOWERS!

Okay let me start :  there were hooligans outside my humble abode 'gettin slizzard' and playing with a basketball and shootin on someone else's hoop and I swore they were coming up my driveway. Hang on. I have no bball hoop there. OMG I bet they're gonna ring my door bell and break into my house when my rent's (OR MYSELF) dont answer. So I'm in my dad's study. There are things you know that are of quite a use in such an environment. For example-the ALMOST empty bottle of whisky, which I shall say is very useful. So I'll drink that last sip of whisky (because I have to ^^, literally savour the moment for a moment or two (NO YOU DONT HAVE TIME LJ) know what I'll do with it. 

There are other things-the stapler, which may I say, is within hands reach. (OKAY YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS THIS TIME).  BAZINGA! You think Ima put a staple in his head! YOU'RE WRONG! I'm gonna get a piece of scrap paper and staple his head! That way he has to rip the paper out to rip the staple out and be able to see properly again. Of course you need to gather your weaponry and even prepare a little. So I have this random hook in the wall at the entrance to the room (cos it's closest to the front door). I get the thinnest piece of string, quickly tie it (securely) and wait on the other side. They come in (PULL!!) and either WHAM onto the floor or get distracted -either way it's pretty effective. At this point you may want to be ready with a few punches or use of weapons. If you have time, do some prep before this-pull the table (OR TABLE CORNER) near the entrance and estimate where theyll fall. If you want the WHAM to be head on floor WHY NOT go for WHAM on the table? Concussion is key here guys.

But there are things to protect-know them first before you put any of this into action. Like precious furniture-good luck to that- and if you're like my dad, bottles of whisky and wine. Like how Jacky Chan does it in rush hour-with those 'priceless pieces of art', he fends about 5 bad dudes and still manages to save them. Oh and I don't mean drink all of the bottles either. As they say in glee , dont " blame it on the alcohol"  Sorry-this may have been a bit violent for the feint minded but who comes first? You or those hooligans? And that is how (I NEED TO FIND A SUPERHERO NAME) Saves the day! Till Next Time Folks!

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