Thursday, April 14, 2011


As I am completing each paragraph for my advanced essay, I get a text message- much anticipated text messages too. Oh goodness this is a sign, isn't it? Anyway, this human condition stuff is really getting to me. I reflected and realised that I really regret quitting piano =/ I was halfway through grade 8 when I stopped and now I want to pick it up again. I remember hating to have to practise each week (and by practising I mean spending 10 minutes of car time rolling my fingers on my lap on the way to lessons, and the remaining 10 minutes scribbling clefs and notes on those famous 5 lines who's name was 'stave'.) This continual lack of interest exploded into an argument with my mum one night, when I said 'I'M ONLY GOING TO LESSONS BECAUSE YOU PAY!', and from that moment on, she disenrolled me. I went to my piano today and touched the keys for a fleeting moment. My hands came off dusty and in a way, I felt sad :( Man I wished I played the harp too..

I had a bout of continual sneezes today- I sneezed three times in a row, twice. By that I mean, I sneezed 3 times continuously, then an hour later, it happened again. I'm allergic to something..hmm the cold. I can feel my keyboard freezing up and my phone is too cold to call anyone. Anyway the coldness of the morning encouraged me to get out of the house, and I went to eat shang food with my Dad.

I found a piece of writing at home today- I wrote it in year 4 when we were studying the history of Australia and if i can remember, the question was 'what makes Australia unique?'
HAHA IM SUCH A NOOB- it was the days when I didnt quite understand the meaning of 'natural resource'.


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