Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Dumped On

So the reason I haven't posted lately is because I wanted to see how the results of my fringe dilemma turned out and I figured, it's probably gonna stay at 10:9 so now I'll have to make the decision myself. After musical. Most likely I will keep the side fringe because I love that feeling of swishing your hair to the right to get it out of your face, when secretly, you want it to keep doing that so the swishing never stops :) I also realise, I quite like tilting my head to the right side (where my fringe is) when I walk around- it's that whole 'how you carry yourself' thing.

So I wake up this morning and I walk into the kitchen. And I see an empty dumplings bag on the bench, and a massive steamer left on the stove, so I naturally think OH YAY MUMMEH COOKED ME A BOX OF DUMPLINGS!!! In my moment of excitement, I skip to the fridge and open it, only to be greeted with a half filled container of exactly FIVE FREAKEN DUMPLINGS!! WHAAAT!!! I COULD DOWN THAT THING AS A PRE-SNACK! So that's where this whole competition thing started. So I asked Chris, Adrian and Yip how many dumplings/won tons they could eat. They said FORTY o.O And then somewhere popped this idea of having a competition to see who can eat the most number of wontons. And the person who could eat the least, i.e. LOST, would have to firstly drink all the soup in their bowl then do as many pushups as dumplings they ate. MUHAHAHHA EVIL CANEVIL! Woah that is like death if you lose.

Oh and we lost in basketball today =( Quite the sad. But we got our english marks back and I'm pleasantly surprised by what I got- because usually I bomb essays and do good in creatives but my results say I'm better at essays. And this goes after I didn't know what paradoxical meant. And I realised a few days ago that my hand has become a bit funky when I write-guess it's cos I haven't picked up a pen since halfies.

My lesson learnt this week is that boys represent the human condition more than I thought: complicated and paradoxical =D

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