Saturday, May 7, 2011

Flight of Fantasy

Let's put it straight down-I haven't blogged in a very long time. I think I'll need several posts for all the word vomit in my head. And I must say-it's been playing with my head a bit. As you may like to know, I have made some progress with becoming a superhero :D I was watching an episode of Americas Next Top Model and one of the girls had this awesome crystal attached to a chain - sorta like a long necklace. Now this is no ordinary crystal-it's a special type of crystal that if you hold it still over a living person's body, it will begin to rotate continuously in a perfect circle. It's supposed to detect those heat/shock waves from you're body, which in turn make it move. Awesome. Now I shall track down one of those crystals and hold it over the villain's body (once slain) to see if they're really dead.

Anyway, I think the real progress I've made, is how observant I've become. I was at epping on friday after exams, and I noticed this guy in a cap walk strangely down the escalator. He walked towards a girl sitting on the ground and started talking to her before sitting next to her. By her body language, it was obvious that she didn't know him and I spotted his dodgyness before he even made contact with her. First thing with superhero's; be observant and aware of your surroundings. Don't fall into traps but keep your cool-remember they aren't people that cause unnecessary harm. They ain't trolls :)

Well let's see what's happened in the week of our exams: The Royal Wedding, Death of Osama Bin Laden, and Arresting the murderer (uncle) of the Lin family. But I wont talk about that. Closer to home, it is apparent and I say apparent at this stage, that Mr Alder is leaving =\ I'm sure a lot of us would be very sad to see him go but he has been threatening to go for ages now and I'm thinking whether this is the final straw :( 

Now my summary of exam week ( and this is my attempt at one of those picture board things XD )

So I walked into english thinking let's own this and when I saw the question, I'm like 'WHAT'S PARADOXICAL??' I actually didn't know what it meant. But you know how the english language goes-break down a few words, do a bit of association and you've kinda got the right idea flowin'. And so I did talk about the irony of this humanly disease we have and how it's just so complex.  Then came chemistry and I thought it was pretty okay. 

But then came to tuesday with physics and economics. OH how I underestimate the power of PHYSONOMICS! I shall now talk about eco since it seems to have a bit more drama to it. So I looked at the paper and I'm like:
And that question on 'how do governments employ a price ceiling?' And I thought;
AND then it came to maths. OH de matematica. That parallelogram question in 3U made me:

But then I worked from the answer, backwards. OOFT THE GENIUS INSIDE ME CAME ALIVE. And I was like:
after 10 minutes on it....
And at the thought of learning how to differentiate 3 to the power of x that very morning, I thought:
And by the end of exams, I was galloping down the street pulling moves to my favourite musical numbers like I didn't give a thought to how weird I must've looked 8D And went off to the city with eileen rach will daniel chris and kaichen to eat k bbq YAY :D while unlucky mod people kranked out their history. Exams are over and see those sunnies in the above picture? They're ray bans and I found them on my shelf just then.
Let's have the best time at our last school camp. Continue the tradition and don't sleep. If you have any truths you haven't told then now's the time to tell. It's gonna be one hectic camp, I hope.

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