Monday, March 14, 2011


OMG I just found this awesome website with awesome clothes that I totally want to buy! Its and some of you may already know it but wow the clothes are beautiful :) Wow I need to shop more. 
So my goal this week was to sleep at a 'PM' time, not an 'AM' time and this is what happened.
Yesterday, I fell asleep at 7PM in front of the tv and that was quite ironic since I was watching a program about point blanc shootings and cold blood murders and woke up at around 7.30 pm. Naturally I went into bed and slept there for another 6 hours before waking up at 1.45AM. Being quite delirious about what the hell just happened within those few hours, I had this sudden realisation: I did not brush my teeth. I'm a bit OCD about not brushing/flossing teeth before I go to bed so woke up to do so and could not go bad to bed. Now I read an article a few days ago that you should never play with technology when you're trying to sleep ( mind that insomniacs!) and being the ignorant I am, completely disregarded its worth. What did I do? I started texting.
But suddenly, I had an epiphany for my 2U creative piece and leaped out of bed at the very thought of it. Yes I know I'm a bit of a retard but it's taken me ages to find inspiration for it and finally I found some. My story is about unrequited love and I know it may sound corny, but I'd like to think I filled it full of perplexity and deep thought :D

I ended up not going back to sleep because HOW THE HECK do you sleep when you've written a beautiful plan for your essay AND I needed to do my Garden paragraph. OH YEAH this is what got me annoyed. And I blame this on writing it at 3AM in the morning. I thought 'The Garden' was a romantic poem because of all that nature stuff but turns out ITS METAPHYSICAL! GARRH so after writing the most beautiful paragraph on how it's romantic, I had to write another one on how it's metaphysical!
I was already confused about the time of the day but this just made me even more confused. Right now, I've been awake for 23 hours and I don't plan on making the 24 mark just yet.
So when you see me walking around looking slightly quizzical, remind me of the time of day-for it's 12.03AM and I feel like taking eating breakfast.

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