Friday, March 4, 2011

An eye for an eye

Oh bummpity bump I am watching Forrest Gump! Seems like a really good film too :) Ok the following may seem like I'm overreacting but I hate the feeling of having a puffy eye.Damn I gotta sleep cos my eye is infected and mother bought this cream which makes my vision go blurry for a little while, so I'm literally like this =.= Anyway since I did believe in the miracle of sleep, I decided to go to bed earlier yesterday hoping that patch of redness around my left eye would disappear. This did not work out AT ALL. I woke up- and you know how you usually open both eyes when you wake up? YEAH? WELL ONLY ONE OF MINE OPENED! This happened at around 7 am, a time when I'm still dead to the world, but knowing that only one of my eyes is opening got me jumping out of bed.
I looked in the mirror and let out one of those stifling morning groans when I saw my eye looked even puffier and it appeared like somebody had punched me. Not only that, on the inside, there was some yellow pus thing hanging off the inner lids ( I KNOW YUCK!) and they were pretty small but I felt like an ogre just staring at it. So I checked it up online cos apparently its called a 'stye'. I google imaged it and realised that pictures of eyes staring at you is scary. Yesterday, it looked as if I had some nice pink eyeshadow around my left eye but today was the epitome of disgusting.I picked at the yellow thing and it hurt. Like hell. I wanted to scratch it off so badly but it wouldn't go away.

After this, you realise how much you dislike eye lashes. When you wake up in the morning and try to get the sleep out of your infected eye, the eye lashes do get in the way quite a fair bit. And since I'm always in a rush, I want to pick the sleep out but I'm scared ill remove one of my eyelashes along with it which is totally not worth it. Eyelashes, you can go die.

And now its 10.30 and I'm going to sleep. Please let this episode of shut-eye be effective.
OH and I just found out that Royce and I go to the same hairdresser in Chatswood. To the same person too o.O What a coincidence.

Note to self: Calm the heck down.

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